
Email Marketing Cloud platform Platform to manage and send our admissions campaigns, direct communication with students and parents. Used platforms: AWS of course! Services: Amazon SES, SNS, SMS, EC2, Route 53, CloudFront, Certificate Manager, S3, S3 Glacier, AWS Backup, Aurora RDS Serverless. Software: Sendy.co

Email Marketing Cloud Platform


Email Marketing Cloud Platform to manage and send our admissions campaigns, direct communication with students and parents. Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and EU (Frankfurt) Regions, in addition to the US East (Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) regions.

Used platforms: AWS of course!

AWS Services: Amazon SES, SNS, SMS, EC2, Route 53, CloudFront, Certificate Manager, S3, S3 Glacier, AWS Backup, Aurora RDS Serverless.

Software: Sendy.co


