Raspberry Pi script for automatic irrigation based on weatherstation data.
- Python script to be launched preferably during night time
- Reads Weatherstation data of past days from WeeWX database
- Calculates with Makkink formula the net evaporation (evaporation - rain - watering)
- Maintains database of amount of watering done
- Steers relay boards on Raspberry Pi to open and close valves
- Supports multiple water sources (barrel, drinking water)
- Supports multiple irrigation zones with area (m2), shadow (%), flow requirements (drip or sprinkler system)
- Measures the flow rate to calculate liters of watering
- Writes the amount of millimeter watered in database
Still in beta phase; all parts functional, but needs to be finetuned.
See https://github.com/EdwinGH/automatic-irrigation/blob/main/circuit.png
The following packages are needed:
- python3-mysql.connector
- python3-numpy Also for mailing the results (see the crontab) the msmtp package was installed
Crontab on Raspberry Pi to start and monitor the process:
0 7 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/irrigation/daily-irrigation.py -l debug -f /home/pi/irrigation/daily-irrigation.log -s -u USER -p Pass |/usr/bin/mail -s "Pi Irrigation result" user@host
0 8 * * * OUTPUT=`/bin/ps -eaf |grep -i irrigation |grep python|grep -v sh` && echo "$OUTPUT" | /usr/bin/mail -s "Pi Irrigation running" user@host
0 9 * * * /usr/bin/pkill -f 'irrigation' && /usr/bin/mail -s "Pi Irrigation Killed process" user@host`
So irrigation starts at 7AM, with MySQL Weewx weather database on and username USER and password Pass. It captures debug messages locally in a file, and sends a mail to user@host with the normal output. At 8AM it sends a mail if still running And at 9AM it sends a graceful SigTerm to close the valves (with SystemExit exception handling in the Python code).