
Some speakers shut off in energy saving mode if the output volume is below a threshold, this helps

Primary LanguageC#

Install instructions

  1. Find the "Release" button in the middle of this screen (Use Ctrl + F if you cant find it LOL)
  2. Download the VolumeController.zip file and unzip it in a location of your choice
  3. Set up the .EXE file inside the folder to run everytime the computer starts
  4. Restart and your done! ;)


Volume Control 1 Volume Control 2

How do I setup that .EXE file runs every time I start my PC?

  1. Click "Search" and type in "Task Scheduler"
  2. Open it. Click on Task Scheduler Library
  3. Left click in the list "Create a new task"
  4. Type in the name of the task "My volume controller"
  5. Check "Run with higest priviliges" (you can skip this, I never tested without it, it probably works fine)
  6. Dropdown "Configure for" choose "Windows 10"
  7. Triggers tab, new trigger, first dropdown "At startup"
  8. Check delay task for "1 minute" (you need this)
  9. Go to Actions, new action, Chose to start a program, select the AntiEnergySavingVolumeControl.exe in the folder you chose
  10. Go to Settings, uncheck "Stop the task if is running longer than 3 days"
  11. Pat yourself on the back - you just learned a new handy Windows feature!

Whats the problem?

My Creative T6300 speakers automatically shut down themselves if for more than 15 minutes the volume output from the PC is less than 25%. This is obviously a problem.

What this program does is REPLACE the windows 8/10 volume controller. The one that is called when you press volume up/volume down on your keyboard (if you have such buttons.)

This new volume controller will control the sound from 25% to 100%. You can go below 25% if you wish, but you will have to hold down the volume down key for 3 seconds.

Mute key works as expected.

You will need to run this application on windows startup. I use a scheduled task with admin right, and a 1 minute delay. There seems to be some race condition with the built in audio controller, but this configuration fixes it.

Future development

As I use this daily I know this can be improved in many ways. Dont be shy open up a new issue and write what you want out of it! Hell, register a new account if you have arrived here from somewhere else, who knows? Maybe you'll get into programming.