
SD card is read, file count correct but no way to play them

Opened this issue · 7 comments

After a few days scratching my head I had t ask for help. I've successfully assembled the Internet radio, with a red TFT display (+SD card).
Compilation is fine as well as download to the ESP32 and I can enjoy the music of internet radios. However what doesn't work is the SD card. The card is seen at start-up, the number of track is correct but there is no way to have them played from web interface.
If I go to MP3 Player on the web page the re are no tracks to play. When I chose RANDOM the system crashes and reboots

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Here is the initial diagnostic at boot.

20:56:19.420 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
20:56:19.457 -> load:0x3fff0018,len:4
20:56:19.457 -> load:0x3fff001c,len:1216
20:56:19.457 -> ho 0 tail 12 room 4
20:56:19.457 -> load:0x40078000,len:10944
20:56:19.457 -> load:0x40080400,len:6388
20:56:19.457 -> entry 0x400806b4
20:56:19.753 ->
20:56:19.753 -> D: Starting ESP32-radio running on CPU 1 at 240 MHz. Version Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:40:00 GMT. Free memory 301700
20:56:19.787 -> D: Display type is BLUETFT
20:56:19.787 -> D: Partition nvs found, 20480 bytes
20:56:19.787 -> D: Read 43 keys from NVS
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_ir set to 35
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_enc_clk set to 25
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_enc_dt set to 26
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_enc_sw set to 27
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_tft_cs set to 15
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_tft_dc set to 2
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_tft_scl set to -1
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_tft_sda set to -1
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_tft_bl set to -1
20:56:19.787 -> D: pin_tft_blx set to -1
20:56:19.787 -> D: Pin 15 is already reserved!
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_sd_cs set to 15
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_ch376_cs set to -1
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_ch376_int set to -1
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_vs_cs set to 5
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_vs_dcs set to 16
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_vs_dreq set to 4
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_shutdown set to -1
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_shutdownx set to -1
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_spi_sck set to 18
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_spi_miso set to 19
20:56:19.825 -> D: pin_spi_mosi set to 23
20:56:19.825 -> D: GPIO0 is HIGH
20:56:19.825 -> D: GPIO2 is HIGH
20:56:19.862 -> D: GPIO4 is HIGH
20:56:19.862 -> D: GPIO5 is HIGH
20:56:19.862 -> D: GPIO12 is HIGH
20:56:19.862 -> D: GPIO13 is HIGH
20:56:19.899 -> D: GPIO14 is HIGH
20:56:19.899 -> D: GPIO15 is HIGH
20:56:19.899 -> D: GPIO16 is HIGH
20:56:19.937 -> D: GPIO17 is HIGH
20:56:19.937 -> D: GPIO18 is HIGH
20:56:19.937 -> D: GPIO19 is HIGH
20:56:19.937 -> D: GPIO21 is HIGH
20:56:19.974 -> D: GPIO22 is HIGH
20:56:19.974 -> D: GPIO23 is HIGH
20:56:19.974 -> D: GPIO25 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP
20:56:19.974 -> D: GPIO26 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP
20:56:20.009 -> D: GPIO27 is HIGH
20:56:20.009 -> D: GPIO32 is HIGH
20:56:20.009 -> D: GPIO33 is HIGH
20:56:20.047 -> D: GPIO34 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP
20:56:20.047 -> D: GPIO35 is HIGH
20:56:20.047 -> D: GPIO39 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP
20:56:20.047 -> D: gpio_00 will execute uppreset = 1
20:56:20.047 -> D: gpio_12 will execute upvolume = 2
20:56:20.047 -> D: gpio_13 will execute downvolume = 2
20:56:20.047 -> D: Enable pin 35 for IR
20:56:20.084 -> D: Start display
20:56:21.337 -> D: Locate mp3 files on SD, may take a while...
20:56:21.337 -> D: SD directory is /
20:56:21.337 -> D: SD directory is /System Volume Information
20:56:21.560 -> D: 10 tracks on SD
20:56:21.560 -> D: Create list with acceptable WiFi networks
20:56:21.560 -> D: Added My-Network-1 to list of networks
20:56:21.560 -> D: Added My-Network-2 to list of networks
20:56:21.560 -> D: End adding networks
20:56:22.684 -> D: Scan Networks
20:56:24.592 -> D: Scan completed
20:56:24.592 -> D: Number of available networks: 13
20:56:24.592 -> D: 1 - Vodafone-xxxxxxx Signal: -44 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable
20:56:24.592 -> D: 2 - FASTWEB-xxxxxx Signal: -78 dBm, Encryption WPA_WPA2_PSK,
20:56:24.630 -> D: 3 - FASTWEB-xxxxxxx Signal: -86 dBm, Encryption WPA_WPA2_PSK,
20:56:24.630 -> D: 4 - Vodafone-xxxxx Signal: -87 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK,
20:56:24.630 -> D: 5 - DIRECT-71-HP ENVY 5540 series Signal: -87 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK,
20:56:24.630 -> D: 6 - WOW FI - FASTWEB Signal: -87 dBm, Encryption ????,
20:56:24.630 -> D: 7 - WOW FI - FASTWEB Signal: -91 dBm, Encryption ????,
20:56:24.630 -> D: 8 - XX-GGG-BBBB Signal: -91 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK,
20:56:24.665 -> D: 9 - Vodafone-xxxxxxx Signal: -91 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK,
20:56:24.665 -> D: 10 - Vodafone-xxxxxxx Signal: -91 dBm, Encryption OPEN,
20:56:24.665 -> D: 11 - NETGEAR_EXT Signal: -92 dBm, Encryption OPEN,
20:56:24.665 -> D: 12 - Mesh_B10 Signal: -93 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK,
20:56:24.665 -> D: 13 - Mesh_B10 Signal: -95 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK,
20:56:24.665 -> D: End of list
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: clk_dst with parameter 1
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: clk_offset with parameter 1
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: clk_server with parameter pool.ntp.org
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: gpio_00 with parameter uppreset = 1
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: gpio_12 with parameter upvolume = 2
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: gpio_13 with parameter downvolume = 2
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: ir_692d with parameter upvolume = 2
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: ir_a857 with parameter downvolume = 2
20:56:24.701 -> D: Command: mqttbroker with parameter none
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: mqttpasswd with parameter *******
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: mqttport with parameter 1883
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: mqttprefix with parameter none
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: mqttuser with parameter none
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: pin_enc_clk with parameter 25
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: pin_enc_dt with parameter 26
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: pin_enc_sw with parameter 27
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: pin_ir with parameter 35
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: pin_sd_cs with parameter 15
20:56:24.739 -> D: Command: pin_tft_cs with parameter 15
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: pin_tft_dc with parameter 2
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: pin_vs_cs with parameter 5
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: pin_vs_dcs with parameter 16
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: pin_vs_dreq with parameter 4
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: preset with parameter 6
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: preset_00 with parameter
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: preset_01 with parameter airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8114/1648_128
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: preset_02 with parameter us2.internet-radio.com:8050
20:56:24.777 -> D: Command: preset_03 with parameter airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8000/1261_192
20:56:24.814 -> D: Command: preset_04 with parameter airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8008/1604_128
20:56:24.814 -> D: Command: preset_05 with parameter us1.internet-radio.com:8105
20:56:24.814 -> D: Command: preset_06 with parameter icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3
20:56:24.814 -> D: Command: preset_07 with parameter
20:56:24.814 -> D: Command: preset_08 with parameter skonto.ls.lv:8002/mp3
20:56:24.814 -> D: Command: preset_09 with parameter
20:56:24.858 -> D: Command: preset_10 with parameter ihr/IHR_IEDM
20:56:24.858 -> D: Command: preset_11 with parameter ihr/IHR_TRAN
20:56:24.858 -> D: Command: toneha with parameter 0
20:56:24.858 -> D: Command: tonehf with parameter 0
20:56:24.858 -> D: Command: tonela with parameter 0
20:56:24.858 -> D: Command: tonelf with parameter 0
20:56:24.858 -> D: Command: volume with parameter 50
20:56:24.954 -> D: Slow SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers...
20:56:25.214 -> D: Fast SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers again...
20:56:26.385 -> D: endFillByte is 0
20:56:26.490 -> D: Connect to WiFi
20:56:41.127 -> D: Connected to Vodafone-34350430-2p4
20:56:41.127 -> D: IP =
20:56:44.124 -> D: Start server for commands
20:56:44.124 -> D: Network found. Starting mqtt and OTA
20:56:44.124 -> D: MDNS responder started
20:56:45.149 -> D: Rotary encoder is enabled
20:56:45.149 -> D: Sync TOD
20:56:45.299 -> D: Sync TOD, new value is 20:56:45
20:56:45.299 -> D: STOP requested
20:56:45.299 -> D: New preset/file requested (6/0) from icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3
20:56:45.299 -> D: New station request
20:56:45.299 -> D: Connect to new host icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3
20:56:45.336 -> D: Connect to icecast.omroep.nl on port 80, extension /radio1-bb-mp3
20:56:45.336 -> D: Song stopped correctly after 0 msec
20:56:46.174 -> D: Connected to server
20:56:47.157 -> D: Switch to HEADER
20:56:47.157 -> D: Headerline: Content-Type: audio/mpeg
20:56:47.194 -> D: audio/mpeg seen.
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: icy-br:192
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: ice-audio-info: samplerate=48000;channels=2;bitrate=192
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: icy-br:192
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: icy-genre:Talk
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: icy-metadata:1
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: icy-name:NPO Radio1
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: icy-pub:0
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: icy-url:http://www.radio1.nl
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: Server: Icecast 2.4.0-kh15
20:56:47.194 -> D: Headerline: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
20:56:47.231 -> D: Headerline: Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
20:56:47.231 -> D: Headerline: Connection: Close
20:56:47.231 -> D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
20:56:47.231 -> D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Icy-MetaData
20:56:47.231 -> D: l-Allow-Headers: Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Icy-MetaData seen.
20:56:47.231 -> D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS, SOURCE, PUT, HEAD, STATS
20:56:47.264 -> D: Headerline: icy-metaint:16000
20:56:47.264 -> D: Switch to DATA, bitrate is 192, metaint is 16000
20:56:47.264 -> D: Duration mp3loop 80
20:56:47.264 -> D: Metadata block 64 bytes
20:56:47.301 -> D: Streamtitle found, 52 bytes
20:56:47.301 -> D: StreamTitle='NPO Radio 1 - NOS Langs de Lijn - NOS';
20:56:53.075 -> D: Command client available
20:56:53.075 -> D: handlehttp started
20:56:53.075 -> D: Get command is: status
20:56:53.075 -> D: Send reply for status
20:56:53.075 -> D: Command: status with parameter 0
20:56:54.202 -> D: Command client available
20:56:54.202 -> D: handlehttp started
20:56:54.202 -> D: Filename is: index.html
20:56:54.202 -> D: Start file reply for index.html
20:56:54.239 -> D: FileRequest received index.html
20:56:54.239 -> D: Length of page is 8474
20:56:54.239 -> D: Response send

You may try version 2.

I believe I'm using it. The files I downloaded in .zip format are dated February 2022 even if main.cpp quotes "Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:40:00 GMT"

Thank you ,but the V2 seems not to support the SD nor the USB. It's not a critical feature but, as I'm planning to assemble a final version in a wooden enclosure I was planning to have a slot for SD. or an USB plug.
Well, in any case it's a great project. Thank you again

The choice is yours, but the V2 version does support SD, although the number of tracks is limited.

Ah... I read the introductory page and stopped there after reading "SD cards and USB not supported yet". I think I'll give a try after having polished the V1 implementation for "production"....(my wife like this Internet Radio)
The amount of coding and its elegance are impressive even for a beginner like me.

Looks like you can play the song by prepending localhost/ to the filename.mp3
I'll take a look why the drop down is empty and why the "random" button misses the /