- 3
cannot compile - fatal error: utils.h:
#533 opened by mickeypop - 1
ESP not booting
#532 opened by bnicolae86 - 2
- 0
Dab dab+ remote control support
#530 opened by stratis63 - 11
ESP32 Edzelf Radio
#529 opened by Papppppa - 0
Can be combined with FM
#528 opened by stratis63 - 8
Audio not working vs1053
#527 opened by redstoicescu - 0
Choppy audio debug suggestions?
#526 opened by MrSirric - 0
Maximum line length in config file - 150
#525 opened by Honsieg - 0
IR receiver does not work on long press
#524 opened by tsctrl - 0
stations select
#523 opened by redstoicescu - 1
Problem in compiling.
#522 opened by manos423 - 0
Adding ability to read pictures from USB
#521 opened by goguelnikov - 2
How to compile in Visual Studio?
#520 opened by apadt - 6
SD card unable to play.
#519 opened by The-Valveman - 0
Just a wish, analog line in / aux- in
#518 opened by alwin4711 - 9
ESP32 Won't Connect To My WiFi AP
#517 opened by prairietech - 45
Newbie Help
#516 opened by prairietech - 12
Audio Transformer
#513 opened by Beppi4U - 5
Adding LCD screen created choppy audio
#515 opened by garbo5005 - 8
Choppy audio on one station
#494 opened by buntings - 1
OLED SSD1306 128x32 support
#514 opened by thjacobs - 4
Few qeustions before building
#512 opened by HaViGit - 4
main.cpp does not compile
#511 opened by fanfanlatulipe26 - 2
4 inch display
#507 opened - 7
- 2
Define GPIO pins for VS1053
#509 opened by dansity - 2
- 7
- 1
- 2
Webserver stops responding
#502 opened by arnolde - 23
Audio lag, large delay on playback
#504 opened by tsctrl - 1
Previous/next station doesn`t work
#503 opened by tini1617 - 2
Weird behaviour - hangs after GPIO status
#500 opened by Unochepassa - 0
Weird behaviour - hangs after GPIO status
#501 opened by Unochepassa - 0
Use bat0, bat100 to display RSSI
#499 opened by kondorcl - 2
CH376S - no tracks
#497 opened by Jefke1 - 0
audio encoding guide
#498 opened by ngokhachung1998 - 0
seldom the playback stops for a minute or seconds
#496 opened by khvolk - 5
"No data input" when playing stream
#495 opened by h1aji - 6
Where is the ino file?
#493 opened by BX2ABT - 1
Encoder behavior change
#492 opened by LarrySteward - 4
search stations
#489 opened by mirek76 - 1
#491 opened by ChristianTardif - 4
Sound only few sec, cut and restarts randomly
#490 opened by ChristianTardif - 2
LCD1602 Is it correct?
#488 opened by zkarolyi - 1
Fix for weekdays in LCD2004.h
#487 opened by h1aji - 2
Enhancement Request: Button on Search Page
#485 opened by craiglindley - 21
Hanging on starting
#483 opened by ilioSS53 - 4
webinterface states "sorry" after update
#484 opened by dkotte