
Hanging on starting

Closed this issue · 21 comments

Hi Ed,
At the moment I started to build a new radio with the naked ninja pcb.
Programming with performio succeded. Lots of errors but the code is uploaded.
The startup is stopped at starting...
Only the display is connected.
Do I need to remove the not used rotary encoder, sdcard etc.lines?
It is not possible to reach the page or ESP32Radio?
Also my old ssid was loaded?? This is an old problem which can be solved by entrring the new ssid via the webpage correct?
Like to hear.
Kind regards

You should be able to start the webinterface on without any connection.
Please take a look at the version 2 version. It is more up-to-date.

Are you sure your PC has connected to the ESP32 accesspoint before trying to connect on
Do you see the accesspoint in the WiFi list on your PC.

In the logging you should see the name and password of the accesspoint. Connect to it first.

D: SPIFFS is okay, space 1378241, used 0
So there are no files in SPIFFS. Upload data directory to SPIFFS. You should see something like:
D: SPIFFS is okay, space 1378241, used 28614

No need to change any file. Just be sure you SPIFFS is filled with the files in the data directory. Bel anders even 0416-272633

I added firmware and upload instructions to the document. See chapter 6.

Right arrow is the same as "pio run -t upload".

And please remove Outlook advertisement.

Hi Ed,
Sorry ads. Switched off.
Photo didnot come with the e-mail?
Here it is.
Regards ilioSS