
PHP wrapper for the Youtube Data API v3 ( Non-OAuth )

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A basic PHP wrapper for the Youtube Data API v3 ( Non-OAuth ). Designed to let devs easily fetch public data (Video, Channel, Playlists info) from Youtube. No 3rd party dependancy. (except PHPUnit) The reason of returning the decoded JSON response directly is that you only need to read the Google API doc to use this library, instead of learning my set of API again (Keep it simple).

Well...actually some parameters are missing in this library, because I don't need them at this point, if you desire a particular feature please file an issue here :)

Currently will not consider adding OAuth endpoints. (those required "authorized request")


Installation is easy with composer just run.

composer require madcoda/php-youtube-api

Usage (Plain PHP project)

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Madcoda\Youtube;

$youtube = new Youtube(array('key' => '/* Your API key here */'));

// Return a std PHP object 
$video = $youtube->getVideoInfo('rie-hPVJ7Sw');

// Search playlists, channels and videos, Return an array of PHP objects
$results = $youtube->search('Android');

// Search only Videos, Return an array of PHP objects
$videoList = $youtube->searchVideos('Android');

// Search only Videos in a given channel, Return an array of PHP objects
$videoList = $youtube->searchChannelVideos('keyword', 'UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg', 50);

$results = $youtube->searchAdvanced(array( /* params */ ));

// Return a std PHP object
$channel = $youtube->getChannelByName('xdadevelopers');

// Return a std PHP object
$channel = $youtube->getChannelById('UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg');

// Return a std PHP object
$playlist = $youtube->getPlaylistById('PL590L5WQmH8fJ54F369BLDSqIwcs-TCfs');

// Return an array of PHP objects
$playlists = $youtube->getPlaylistsByChannelId('UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg');

// Return an array of PHP objects
$playlistItems = $youtube->getPlaylistItemsByPlaylistId('PL590L5WQmH8fJ54F369BLDSqIwcs-TCfs');

// Return an array of PHP objects
$activities = $youtube->getActivitiesByChannelId('UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg');

// Parse Youtube URL into videoId
$videoId = $youtube->parseVIdFromURL('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk');
// result: moSFlvxnbgk

Basic Search Pagination

use Madcoda\Youtube;

$youtube = new Youtube(array('key' => '/* Your API key here */'));

// Set Default Parameters
$params = array(
    'q'             => 'Android',
    'type'          => 'video',
    'part'          => 'id, snippet',
    'maxResults'    => 50

// Make Intial Call. With second argument to reveal page info such as page tokens.
$search = $youtube->searchAdvanced($params, true);

// check if we have a pageToken
if (isset($search['info']['nextPageToken'])) {
    $params['pageToken'] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];

// Make Another Call and Repeat
$search = $youtube->searchAdvanced($params, true);          

// add results key with info parameter set

/* Alternative approach with new built in paginateResults function */
// Same Params as before
$params = array(
    'q'             => 'Android',
    'type'          => 'video',
    'part'          => 'id, snippet',
    'maxResults'    => 50

// an array to store page tokens so we can go back and forth
$pageTokens   = array();

// make inital search
$search       = $youtube->paginateResults($params, null);

// store token
$pageTokens[] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];

// go to next page in result
$search       = $youtube->paginateResults($params, $pageTokens[0]);

// store token
$pageTokens[] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];

// go to next page in result
$search       = $youtube->paginateResults($params, $pageTokens[1]);

// store token
$pageTokens[] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];

// go back a page
$search       = $youtube->paginateResults($params, $pageTokens[0]);

// add results key with info parameter set

The pagination above is quite basic. Depending on what you are trying to achieve; you may want to create a recurssive function that traverses the results.

Usage (Laravel Project)

Add the dependency in the composer.json, then run

$ composer update

Since the Laravel framework also configured to autoload composer dependencies (in bootstrap/autoload.php), You don't need to add any require or include statements, just use the class


class YoutubeController extends BaseController {

    public function index()
        $youtube = new Madcoda\Youtube(array('key' => '/* Your API key here */'));


If you want to use this class as "Youtube", you can add an aliases, edit the app/config/app.php, Insert the following line:

'aliases' => array(
    'Youtube' => 'Madcoda\Youtube',

Run Unit Test

If you have PHPUnit installed in your environment, just run

$ phpunit

If you don't have PHPUnit installed, you can run this

$ composer update
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Format of returned data

The returnd json is decoded as PHP objects (not Array). Please read the "Reference" section of the Official API doc.

Youtube Data API v3


For bugs, complain and suggestions please file an Issue here or send email to jason@madcoda.com :)