
A schoolwork on a bandwidth-conserving proxy-server and a client Chrome-plugin.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Compress-proxy 0.1

This is a simple prototype/proof-of-concept of a system intended for bandwidth & traffic conservation on volume-restricted Internet-traffic. The system consists of a simple python-script running a proxy server (powered by Twisted and Python Image Library) and a Google Chrome plugin utilizing the chrome.experimental APIs to be found on most recent releases of Chrome (Beta, Developer and Canary should work, if experimental APIs are allowed in chrome://flags)

The folder "compressproxy" contains the proxy-script, "chromeplugin" contains the files for the browser-extension and "samplepage" contains a simple html-page supposedly compatible with this system. Suitable for experimentingand evaluating the technique.

Made for a school-project in 2011. Stored in Github to reliably backup the code.

Please see the included documentation for an overview and goals of the project. The final grade for this project + course was 19/20 (félicitations du jury) in French academic grading.

All my original work, CC-BY-SA 3.0
