
An all-around Discord bot written in Ruby. Sponsored by https://rare.fi

Primary LanguageRubyzlib LicenseZlib


A Discord bot written in Ruby, originally made for a private Discord community. The name comes from one of the main heroines of Fate/stay night, Tohsaka Rin (遠坂凛).

Rails web interface for the bot here: TohsakaWeb.


Commands (WIP)

Installation & running

  • Enable Privileged Gateway Intents here: https://discord.com/developers/applications/<id>/bot

  • Install Ruby (rbenv recommended for Linux), and MariaDB/MySQL or SQLite3

  • If MariaDB/MySQL:

    • Use these SQL commands to create user and database for the bot. Remember to change USERNAMEs and PASSWORD.
      CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS tohsaka CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on tohsaka.* to 'USERNAME'@'localhost';
      FLUSH privileges;
    • Run the following command in the root dir of the bot to populate the database with tables: mysql -u USERNAME -p tohsaka < mysql_schema.sql
  • If SQLite3:

    • Run the following command in the root dir of the bot to populate the database with tables: sqlite3 data/tohsaka.db < sqlite_schema.sql. The commands found inside sqlite_schema.sql can also be executed through SQLite Browser.
  • Install bundler: gem install bundler

  • Run bundle install to install required gems.

  • On Windows, if installing the mysql2 gem fails, install it separately with: gem install mysql2 -- '--with-mysql-lib="C:\devkit\MariaDB 10.5\lib" --with-mysql-include="C:\devkit\MariaDB 10.5\include"'

  • Start the bot by running bundle exec ruby run.rb.

  • Bot can be invited to a server with the following URL (remember to change the CLIENT_ID): https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_ID&scope=bot&permissions=335924288

Documentation with YARD

YARD files can be generated with: yard command.

They can be viewed by opening doc/_index.html in a browser.

Testing with RSpec

Tests can be performed with rspec command.


  • Ruby >= 2.7 supported
  • MariaDB / MySQL or SQLite3
  • Gems specified in Gemfile (installed by bundle install)