
Description of the Project code files :

  1. Visualisation : We have visualised our dataset in python with the help of matplotlib library. We have represented the data in terms of pie chart and bar graph.

Models used :

  1. KNN : We have applied the k -nearest neighbours model on our dataset with k=1 and L1 as the distance metric.
  2. NN : We have tried neural network on our dataset.
  3. Basic CNN : We have made use of basic CNN by using less number of Convolution and Pooling layers.
  4. Complex CNN : We have applied complex CNN by increasing the number of convolutional and pooling layers used in basic cnn.
  5. Transfer Learning : We have done transfer learning using Resnet,Inception Net and VGG-16
  6. Comparison : We have compared the above mentioned models with the help of bar graph on the basis of accuracy, precision,recall and F1-score.

We have also made use of data downsampling and data augmentation in our project.