Lite version of this: https://github.com/EfeDursun125/TF2-EBOTS

Primary LanguagePawn

Amx Mod X AFK Bot

This is AFK Bot amxmodx plugin for Counter Strike 1.6


  • amx_afk_manager_version // shows the plugin version
  • amx_afk_manager_time "60.0" // idle time to start controlling players
  • amx_afk_manager_aim_speed "24.0" // afk aim speed
  • amx_afk_manager_manual_afk "1" // can afk players be afk manually by using !afk command?, 1 = yes, 0 = no


  • is_user_afk(id) // returns 1 if is user afk, 0 otherwise
  • get_user_afk_time(id) // returns how long the player has been afk
  • get_total_afk_count() // returns the number of afk players in the server