This application allows users to add YouTube videos to their list of liked videos. Users can paste the URL of a YouTube video and it will be stored in a user-specific data path in the database. The application uses cookies to generate a UUID-based user without validating the user.
- Node.js
- Angular CLI
- Firebase account
- Clone the repository
- Run npm install to install dependencies
- Set up a Firebase project and enable Firestore, Firebase Hosting, and Cloud Functions
- Add your Firebase configuration to the environment.ts and files
- Enable the YouTube Data API v3 in the Google Cloud Console and add the API key to the environment.ts and files
- Run ng build --prod to build the production version of the application
- Run firebase deploy to deploy the application to Firebase Hosting
- Angular
- PrimeNG
- PrimeFlex
- Firestore
- Firebase Hosting
- Cloud Functions
- YouTube API
- Add a YouTube video to the user's list of liked videos by pasting the URL
- View the video's iframe tag for embedding the video
- View the video's keywords
- View a playback window (using the iframe tag)
- View a short description of the video
- View recommendations for other recommended videos, displayed in an infinite scroll list
- Click a button with an icon that opens a modal containing the full text description of the video, line by line.