A Social Network Analysis on Twitch for the course "Social network Analysis" with the tool Gephi.
- HelixScraper.py: The following code was used to fetch certain streamers with specific characteristics from Twitch.
- parsefollowers.py: Fetching common followers of the Twitch users selected by HelixScraper, finding the number of common followers and writing a .csv file which is used as an input in Gephi.
- TwitchIOscraper.py: The code presented creates a bot which communicates and fetches the comments from the live streaming of one or multiple users.
- Efthymia_Kostaki_8170055_SNA_Twitch.pdf: final report for semester assignment.
- afteredittwitch.csv: .csv file which includes for every pair of nodes-streamers the number of followers they have in common, denoted as "Source", "Target" and "Weight".