
Optimal routing of transport orders with Dijkstra and scheduling

Primary LanguageJava

How to execute?

note: internet connection is required to support the 
directions services feature

1. Open the release directory
2. Run ‘TOMS.jar’
3. In order to login, please use one of the login 
credentials provided below. If you login as an admin
you will have administrative capabilities i.e. you 
will have access to the ADMIN module which allows you 
to: i) update the current transport network 
    ii) manage system users

Username	Password	User Type
=======		=======		=========
10000		password	Admin
10001		password	Standard


Want to test features?

You can use as a guide the test cases documented 
in the appendix A of the report 


Where is the source code of the app?

1. dir path : TOMS > src > ..


Where is the source code of the database?

1. dir path : TOMS > database src > central.sql


Where is the unit test for dijkstra?

1. dir path : TOMS > test > ..
