CoinPanel Backend Challenge

This repository contains 2 clients:

  • basic_cli: is put into the Docker image and it is a simple listener that connects to the Binance trade websocket stream and prints out a warning if the price exceeds the specified threshold. To run this client;
    1. Specify the symbols and thresholds you want to listen to within the .env file in the directory
    2. Either build and run the Dockerfile or use the docker-compose command.
      1. To build and run manually:
        docker build . -t coinpanel-challenge && \
        dokcker run --env-file=.env coinpanel-challenge
      2. To run using docker-compose \
        docker-compose up
  • async_cli: is a more advanced version of the basic_cli that demonstrates how asyncio can be used to create a more efficient and real-time updatable client that listens to the websocket. This could be extended to an asynchronous Flask application to create a real-time websocket listener. To run it;
    pip install websockets && \