
Project Durin's Folk
|-- Argonath - Login / Gate keeper
|    |-- ..
|-- Celebdil - Backend repo
|    |-- ..
|-- Dwimorberg - Database
|    |-- Dimholt - Application db
|    |-- Dunharrow - User Authentication
|-- Mirrormere - Frontend repo
|    |-- ..
|-- Morannon - Other
    |-- ..

Starting up the project

For Developemnt run

  • To start: sh Argonath/scripts/
  • To stop: sh Argonath/scripts/

For Production run

  • write prod start script


Code Styles (prefered best practices)

Best Practices:

  • no lines over 140 characters
  • no .* imports
  • use String.format(...) if more than 1 variable in String expression
  • use SOLID principles (When you can)
  • don't repeat code; if you're duplicating, pull it out into it's own method


  • 1 space between ) and {
  • never more than 1 blank line
  • no blank lines at the end of a method/class


  • Can use .eslintrc.json for auto formating
    • For ESLint IntelliJ editor plugin go here
    • For ESLint Atom editor plugin go here
  • Edit the ESLint file to reflect prefered best practice changes

Git help

Git Workflow: (to help minimize growing pains with git)

  1. Begin on local/master branch
  2. git pull
  3. git checkout -b yourName/newBranchName
  4. make changes and test changes
  5. git add <all changes> (git add Celebdil/src/* often works)
  6. git commit -a -m "Description of work"
  7. git rebase -i master ONLY IF MORE THAN 1 COMMIT IN BRANCH
  • this should open a text editor
  • change all commits EXCEPT the first from "pick" to "squash"
  • save and exit ('Esc' then :wq in vim)
  • this should bring up a second text editor
  • delete all commit messages except one, leaving the one describing what your changes are
  • save and exit
  1. git checkout master
  2. git pull
  3. git checkout yourName/newBranchName
  4. git rebase master
  • you may need to resolve some git conflicts:
  • git status will tell you the files
  • edit the files to choose the changes you want
  • git rebase --continue
  1. git checkout master
  2. git pull
  • if this says 'Already up to date.' continue.
  • if not return to step 10.
  1. git merge yourName/newBranchName
  2. git push
  3. You can chose to clean up your local git if you wish
  • git branch -d newBranchName This will delete your old working branch

Git Workflow: (With Pull Request)

  1. Begin on up to date local/master branch
  • git checkout master
  • git pull
  1. Create your own branch to make and test changes
  • git checkout -b yourName/newBranchName
  1. Make changes and test changes
  2. Commit and push changes to your branch
  • git add <changes>
    • git add projectSubDirectoryName/src/* often works
    • git add -A adds everything
  • git commit -a -m "Description of work"
  • git push
  1. While working on the branch keep up to date with master using merge
  • git checkout master
  • git pull
  • git checkout yourName/newBranchName
  • git merge master
    • fix any merge conflicts
  • git push
  1. Create pull request
  • Go to your branch on github
  • Click the create pull request button
  • Describe changes
  1. Decide if we are squashing and merging or squashing and rebasing
  • Wait for tests to pass
    • Testing out a couple different ones to see how they work
  • Recieve review (unless you're an admin)
  • Click the button for whichever is decided
  1. Delete the old branch
  • git branch -d newBranchName This will delete your old working branch
  • Or use the button on github
  1. Go back to master. rinse and repeat.

If you messed up

git reset HEAD^ - will undo 1 commit

If you made changes directly to your master branch:

  • git stash save
  • git checkout -b newBranchName
  • git stash apply

Confused by naming choices?

project elrond