
An example of scalable and easily extensible REST API tests using defined technology stack

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🛠️ API testing framework rest-axios-codeceptjs-allure-docker-test-example

The Automation Quality Assurance Framework is designed to streamline and improve the testing process for both backend and frontend applications. This innovative solution relies on a mock-back-end-server based on Moc-server for REST API testing, complete with detailed documentation. The framework allows for the efficient reuse of helpers and the extension of preconditions for tests. It also enforces a strict coding style policy and automatically triggers unit tests for key functionalities on a pre-push hook. Prepared for containerization with Docker, the framework is accompanied by a preconfigured mock-back-end-server with stabs.

Table of Contents

|                       Framework Architecture             |
| REST API Testing  | Execution  | Assertion   | Reporting |
|                   |            |             |           |
| Axios             | Codeceptjs | Jest Expect | Allure    |
|                   |            |             |           |
|                              Code Control                                    |
| Linter | Code formatting / Code style control | Pre-commit hook | Unit tests |
| Eslint | Prettier & Eslint                    |     Husky       | Jest       |

🧰 Required presets

  • Docker
  • Node.js
  • JDK or JRE 8+ (For Allure reports only)

to start mocked backend server npm run docker:mock-server:start

The Mocked Backend Server will start on the port 38391 Open http://localhost:38391 to check if it works. Should see message: "The Mock Backend server is working properly"

▶️ How to run tests

to run tests locally npm run test-local

to open Allure report after test run npm run allure:open

to run tests in Docker container npm run test-in-docker

Project Structure

├── Dockerfile               -- Defines the Docker image for the main framework
├── README.md                -- Provides an overview and instructions for the framework
├── models                   -- Defines data models used to generate test data by builders for the tests
│   ├── ...
├── services                 -- Contains the wrapped application's endpoints to use as bricks in tests
│   ├── ...
├── test                     -- Stores functional tests
│   └── ...
├── unit-test                -- Stores unit tests for the framework
│   ├── ...    
├── mock-back-end-server     -- Contains the mock server and related files
│   ├── Dockerfile -         -- Defines the Docker image for the mock server
│   ├── default-mocks        -- Stores default mock data for the server
│   │   ├── alive.json       -- Contains mock data for the server's health check
│   ├── mergeDefaultMocks.js -- Script to merge default mock data
│   └── rest-api-docs        -- Contains documentation for the REST API
│       ├── README.md        -- Overview of the REST API documentation
│       ├── login.md         -- Detailed documentation for the login endpoint
│       ...
└── utils -                  -- Contains utilities and helpers for tests
    └── HttpService.ts       -- Provides HTTP request functionality. Wrapped and extended to store all request/response data in the test report.

🎥 Demo how it works

 Tests in work