
Demo iGaming web-service made with Django Rest Framework for backend and React for frontend. Here you can register as a new user and play some preadded games such as chess, poker and solitaire. Or you can use your admin role and add new games or manage existing games yourself. Have fun!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

iGaming project

Start a backend

  1. After cloning this repo, open the terminal and install all project's requirements with help of this command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the next command to apply db migrations:
python manage.py migrate
  1. Create a superuser using next command:
python manage.py createsuperuser

Follow the instructions and enter login and password for your superuser. 4) To add some games to your database, run these two commands:

python manage.py import_types types_payload.json


python manage.py import_games games_payload.json

The first command adds game types, which are necessary for creation of a new games. The second one adds the games.

  1. Finally, to start a local server, run the next command:
python manage.py runserver

To learn how to deal with the frontend side of this app, go to client folder