
Uptime monitor in Node.js that send status changes to Slack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node uptime bot

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Uptime monitor in Node.js that send status changes to Slack


Installation Usage Setting up Slack Contributors License


npm install techstar-uptime --save


'use strict';

const express  = require( 'express')
      Uptime   = require('techstar-uptime');

const app = express();

const bot = new Uptime({
    url: 'https://www.example.com', // URL of service we'll be pining
    timeout: 200 // threshold in milliseconds above which is considered degraded performance

module.exports = app;

Setting up Slack

Head on over to the Incoming WebHooks Slack app. If you're signed in to your Slack Workspace you should see an Add Configuration button. Hit it!


Select or create a new channel then hit the Add Incoming WebHooks integration screenshot

Grab the WebHook URL and paste it into the SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL, which would look like so: SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXX/YYYYYY/XXXXXXXXXXXX screenshot

You can update websites.js with the services you wish to monitor and throw the code up on a server. screenshot


You may contribute in several ways like creating new features, fixing bugs, improving documentation and examples or translating any document here to your language. Find more information in CONTRIBUTING.md. Contributors



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