Getting Started with Create React App

Live Site Link Baby Toys .

  • This is a Toys Related Website.
  • I used resources for this website from Internet.
  • There user will be able to see Home & Explore section, from product section users will can buy product.
  • Here you can login with Google account and email password.
  • There Have Dashboard Route & product details Route, to go to those route you have to Login.
  • I have used Firebase to authenticate my Website.
  • initially you will see just two route, after login you will able to see Dashboard route.
  • General user will can delete a plan & and write reviews.
  • Admin will can change orders status, add another admin & and manage all products.
  • There have Real Date (No fake datašŸ˜Š), I have used mondodb as database;

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start