
This is my first major Java project (and my first repo [Please tell me if I got anything wrong] ).

I was learning how to multiply binomials (you know, (x + 5)(x + 4), those kind of stuff) in school, and I thought: Why not create something to do this kind of stuff, and use it to do my homework?

Sadly, the unit passed before I could finish it, and so, I was kind of sad, but it was good experience for me.

This has really low capabilities, so don't expect to get anything correct on this.

Things it cannot do:

  1. Fractions
  2. (3x + 5)(x + 4), those kind of stuff
  3. (3x^3 + 4x + 3)(2x^2 + 4x +5) that kind of stuff
  4. And a whole lot of stuff.