
Conquer Space!

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Note: This project has been abandoned in favor of a C++ version which can be found here: https://github.com/ehwhoami/cqsp

Conquer Space

Java CI

The general idea: Conquer Space!

Will feature detailed 4x and grand strategy gameplay.



git clone https://github.com/EhWhoAmI/Conquer-Space.git to clone this repo.

This uses Netbeans to compile, but Apache Ant will do. However, for the UI, it's better if you use Netbeans. We use their UI layout tool.

Libraries that we use - incomplete

Library Name Description Website
Log4J2 Logging https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/
WEB Laf Formatting, look and feel, etc. http://weblookandfeel.com/
JSON-java Data format https://github.com/stleary/JSON-java
Hjson Java Data format https://hjson.github.io/
XML Object Model Data format https://xom.nu/
Jlibnoise Terrain data https://github.com/RoyAwesome/jlibnoise
Easyogg Music playing http://www.cokeandcode.com/main/code/
Jorbis Ogg codec http://www.jcraft.com/jorbis/
Apache Commons Utilities https://commons.apache.org/
Xchart Charts https://knowm.org/open-source/xchart/
SwingX UI https://github.com/ebourg/swingx


If you are excited to help, you need to know Java. If you know both, great!

Check out the projects page to figure what we are doing next.


  • Dev Branch - In development
  • Master Branch - Latest stable

If you want to report an issue, just go to the issues page to report that. Just paste the stacktrace and what you did before everything went wrong.