Solid SimpleTable is a blazing fast reactive table component that gives you freedom.
- Very fast as it is compiled down to VanilaJS using Solid
- Very small (~2.7KB)
- Automatic sorting
- Support for custom header and row renderers (so the cells can be components themselves)
- Support for custom sort functions
- Support for onClick on all rows
- Support for DOM accessors
- The library is fully tested with 90% of code coverage.
This library is production ready. It is currently used as the linter panel of Atom editor!
npm install --save solid-simple-table
import { render } from "solid-js/web"
import { SimpleTable } from "solid-simple-table"
import type { SortDirection } from "solid-simple-table"
const rows = [
{ file: "C:/a", message: "Folder a", severity: "error" },
{ file: "C:/b", message: "Folder b", severity: "warning" },
{ file: "C:/c", message: "Folder c", severity: "info" },
{ file: "C:/d", message: "Folder d", severity: "error" },
function MyTable() {
return <SimpleTable rows={rows} />
render(() => <MyTable />, document.getElementById("app"))
The css is available under dist/SimpleTable.css
which you can import into HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="simple-solid-table/dist/SimpleTable.css" />
or in JavaScript:
import "solid-simple-table/dist/SimpleTable.css";
For other examples, see the demo folder.
// rows
rows: Array<Row>
// Optional props:
// columns
// manually provided columns
columns?: Array<Column<K>>
if columns is not provided and Row is an object, construct columns based on this row
Takes this Row's keys as Column IDs
@default 0 (first row)
representativeRowNumber?: number
// renderers
headerRenderer?(column: Column): string | Renderable
bodyRenderer?(row: Row, columnID: K): string | Renderable
// dynamic CSS classes for table cells
headerCellClass?(column: Column): string
bodyCellClass?(row: Row, columnID: K): string
// the class name to be used instead of the provided default. The default value is `solid-simple-table light typography`
className?: string
// extra styles
style?: JSX.CSSProperties | string
// sort options
defaultSortDirection?: NonNullSortDirection<K>
rowSorter?(rows: Array<Row>, sortDirection: NonNullSortDirection<K>): Array<Row>
// accessors
set to true if you want column, row, and cell accessors
@default false
accessors?: boolean
/** a function that takes row and returns string unique key for that row
@default {defaultGetRowID}
getRowID?(row: Row): string
In which:
// util types
export type Renderable = any
export type IndexType = string | number
// row and column types
export type Row = number | string | Record<IndexType, any>
export type Column<K extends IndexType = IndexType> = {
id: K
label?: string
sortable?: boolean
onClick?(e: MouseEvent, row: Row): void
* Sort direction. It is a tuple:
* @type is The direction of the sort
* @columnID is the key used for sorting
export type NonNullSortDirection<K extends IndexType = IndexType> = [columnID: K, type: "asc" | "desc"]
export type SortDirection<K extends IndexType = IndexType> = NonNullSortDirection<K> | [columnID: null, type: null]
This package is licensed under the terms of MIT License. Originally, it was inspired by sb-react-table.