Create a console program in Java that can recursively traverse and download and save it to disk while keeping the online file structure. Use asynchronicity and parallelism as much as possible, and show progress in the console. Don’t focus on html link extraction, keep that part simple (regex or similar). The focus of the assignment is on asynchronicity, parallelism and threading.
My solution get url and depth and try to create multiple threads to download the url concurrently. To providing threads I use ExecutorService and via DownloadList object we can track paths, which path downloaded or not downloaded yet.
To run you need to maven and you should run this command first:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
And after building jar file you can execute it :
java -jar target\tretton37-websiteDownloader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
without parameters, it tries to download up to depth=3, but you can set parameter like this
java -jar target\tretton37-websiteDownloader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 1