
Fluent log4net logging library

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

AppVeyor NuGet version


Opinionated fluent library for logging to Logstash and Graphite based on log4net.

Basic Usage


var logger = Logger.GetInstance();

// log plain message with severity WARN
.Message("This is a warning.").

// log exception with custom data
var exception = new Exception();
.Data("userId", 1027)


// Implement IGraphiteKey interface
public class GraphiteKey : IGraphiteKey
  public static GraphiteKey AccountCreated = new GraphiteKey("AccountCreated");

  private readonly string _key;

  private GraphiteKey(string key)
      _key = key;

  public string Key { get { return _key; } }

var logger = Logger.GetInstance();

// count
logger.Write(GraphiteKey.AccountCreated, null /*Optional SubKey*/);

// timing
logger.Write(GraphiteKey.AccountCreated, null /*Optional SubKey*/, 100 /*milliseconds*/)

Configuration Settings

Custom Configuration Section

uShip.Logging exposes the following configuration settings via a custom configuration section.

Setting Description
graphiteMetricPath The prefix of all metrics that are logged to graphite
minimalDataLogMessage The message to log when calling .WriteMinimalDataLog
jsonReplacements The names of JSON fields that should be sanitized and not logged such as passwords and credit card numbers
urlFormEncodedReplacements The names of form fields that should sanitized and not logged such as passwords and credit card numbers
regexReplacements Regex patterns for fields that should be sanitized and not logged that do not fit into the JSON or URL encoded category above

log4net configuration

In addition to the custom configuration section, uShip.Logging depends on the following loggers to be configured

Logger Purpose
Logstash All exceptions and messages written via .Exception and .Message will be sent to this logger
Graphite All graphite metrics logged will be sent to this logger
Minimal All messages written via WriteMinimalDataLog will be sent to this logger

The following appenders are available in addition to the appenders provided by log4net

Appender Purpose Relevant Settings
uShip.Logging.Appender.LogstashAppender Writes messages to Logstash remoteAddress, remotePort
uShip.Logging.Appender.ApiErrorLogAppender Writes messages to an API as a webhook apiUrl
uShip.Logging.Appender.FileLogAppender Writes messages to disk baseDirectory

Example Configuration

See an example App.config here.