
Repository for Testing Automatic Builds with Docker Hub

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Repository for Automated Builds into the Eichler Lab Docker Hub

Process of Docker builds

1. Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/EichlerLab/docker_hub.git

2. Prepare Dockerfile

  • Place the Dockerfile of the specific version of the software you wish to build in the format of ./software/version/Dockerfile, and then push it to the main branch.
  • An Example of the Folder Structure
├── {unique_software_name}
│   └── {version_1}
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   └── {version_2}
│       └── Dockerfile
├── {unique_software_name}
│   └── {version_1}
│       └── Dockerfile
│       └── environment.yml
├── .git/
├── .github
│   └── workflows
│       └── docker-autobuild.yml
└── README.md

3. Automated Docker image builds

  • The operation process and logs of GitHub Actions after the push can be checked in the Actions tab of the repository. However, the current GitHub Action is triggered only when changes to the {software}/{version}/Dockerfile or {software}/{version}/environment.yml are reflected in the main branch, and it does not operate merely by request.
  • If the Dockerfile is successfully built, the software will be built at the address eichlerlab/software:version on Docker Hub, with the repository name as the software and the version as the tag according to the commands defined in the YAML file. (e.g., base_docker/latest/Dockfile -> eichlerlab/base_docker:latest)

4. Setting for external reference to installed software (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).

  • Enter in the format {software}={version} in the /app/software.list file, separated by newlines.
  • The method of writting to the /app/software.list file during the builds is left to the discretion of the maintainer.
  • If you install without specifying a version using apt-get or yum, it could be difficult to know the version immediately. An example of processing script within a Dockerfile for this is as follows.
RUN mkdir -p /app && \
    SOFTWARE_LIST_FILE="/app/software.list" && \
    touch $SOFTWARE_LIST_FILE && \
    OSID=$(grep "^ID=" /etc/os-release | cut -d"=" -f2 | sed 's/"//g') && \

    SOFTWARE_FROM_PKG="samtools \
    bedtools" && \

    SOFTWARE_VERSION_MANUAL="minimap2=2.26" && \

        if [ "${OSID}" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "${OSID}" = "debian" ]; then \
            INSTALLED_VERSION=$(apt-cache policy ${SOFTWARE_PKG} | grep 'Installed' | awk -F":" '{print $NF}' | cut -d"-" -f1 | cut -d"+" -f1 | sed 's/ //g'); \
        elif [ "${OSID}" = "centos" ]; then \
            INSTALLED_VERSION=$(yum list installed | grep "^${SOFTWARE_PKG}\." | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F":" '{print $NF}' | cut -d"-" -f1 | cut -d"+" -f1); \
        fi; \
        if [ ! -z "${INSTALLED_VERSION}" ]; then \
        fi; \
    done && \



Since the path .github/workflows/ is fixed by Github Actions, yaml files MUST be located within the directory. Placing workflow yaml files in any other path will result in the GitHub Actions system not recognizing those files.