
This is an inofficial mirror of the Eigen Compiler Suite source code usually deployed as tar.gz

Primary LanguageScilab

       / \
      /   *                   Eigen Compiler Suite
     /   /|      ______________________________________________
    /   / | *
   /   /  |/ \                       Readme
  *   *   /   *
  |\   \ /   /|
  | \   *   / |  The Eigen Compiler Suite is a collection of
  |  \     /  *  free software development tools targeting a
  |   \   /  /   variety of programming languages and runtime
  | *  \ /  /\   environments. This software and all of its
  | |\  *  /  *  documentation can be built in environments
  | |/* | *  /|  like Windows, OS X, or Linux-based operating
  | * | | | / |  systems using the provided GNU makefile. Its
  |  \| | |/  |  source code however is completely written in
  |   * | *   |  standard C++. A compiler conforming to C++17
  | *   |   * |  is necessary but sufficient to compile the
  | |\  |  /| |  entire Eigen Compiler Suite.
  | |/\ | /\| |
  | *  \|/  * |  In order to get started, use: make hosttarget.
  *  \  *  /  *  This command builds everything that is needed
   \  \   /  /   to create programs for your current runtime
    \  \ /  /    environment. This includes the Eigen Compiler
     \  *  /     Suite Driver which conveniently builds whole
      \ | /      programs if provided with one or more source
       \|/       code files. It is called ecsd and is available
        *        from the subdirectory called utilities.

All of the prerequisites listed and required by the User Guide
and Chapter "Getting Started" of the User Manual respectively
for processing and building exemplary programs can be created
using: make obtools win64target osx64target amd64linuxtarget.
The resulting tools and runtime support are all available from
the tools and runtime subdirectories as well as by using ecsd.

The following list describes the most important capabilities of
the makefile and names the required software for each command.
The locations of the required programs given in parentheses must
be available via the PATH environment variable.

- make all

  Builds the entire Eigen Compiler Suite including all runtime
  support and utility tools. This command is the default and is
  equivalent to: make tools runtime utilities.

- make tools

  Compiles all tools of the Eigen Compiler Suite. It requires a
  recent version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (cl, link)
  under Windows, GCC (g++) under Linux-based operating systems,
  or Clang (clang++) under OS X. Assigning one of the following
  values to the toolchain variable however allows overriding the
  respective default compiler: ecs, gcc, clang, or msvc.

- make runtime

  Once the corresponding assembler and compiler tools are built,
  this command creates all object files and runtime libraries
  that are required by programs created using the Eigen Compiler

- make utilities

  Compiles useful but otherwise optional utility tools provided
  for users and developers of the Eigen Compiler Suite.

- make documentation

  Creates a complete user manual describing all features of the
  Eigen Compiler Suite. In addition, some specific topics are
  filed in separate documents which correspond to single
  chapters of the manual. This command creates PDF documents
  and requires a TeX distribution (pdflatex, bibtex, makeindex).

- make tests

  Tests several tools of the Eigen Compiler Suite and stores the
  result for regression testing.

- make clean

  Completely removes all files created by the previous commands.

- make checks

  Checks whether the source code uses white space consistently
  and whether header files are self-contained.

- make install

  Copies all built tools and libraries to suitable locations in
  environments like OS X and Linux-based operating systems. This
  command may require special privileges and can be completely
  reverted using: make uninstall.

- make ...tools

  Builds all hardware-independent tools like pretty printers for
  a particular programming language, for example: make cpptools.
  This always includes the Eigen Compiler Suite Driver and is
  useful for providing all tools of a language when installing.

- make ...target

  Builds all tools and runtime libraries required to target the
  specified runtime environment, for example: make win32target.
  This always includes the Eigen Compiler Suite Driver and is
  most useful for selecting individual targets when installing.

Copies of the GNU General Public License, the ECS Runtime
Support Exception, and the GNU Free Documentation License are
located in the subdirectory called licenses.

Version 0.0.41 Copyright (C) Florian Negele

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without
modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty
provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.
This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.