==================Addie's Present=====================
Japanese Title: アディのおくりもの TO MOZE FROM ADDIE
Genre: Adventure, Puzzle Solving
Source language: Japanese
Patch language: English
Original platform: Playstation
Original developer: +d Software
Original publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Original release date in Japan: February 3, 2000
- Folder Contents
- About Addie's Present (Project History, Content Warnings)
- Patching Instructions
- Patch Notes/Warnings
- Puzzle Vocabulary Index (English and Japanese)
- Translation Patch Project Credits, Other Comments
- Folder Contents
Patch file
- About Addie's Present
Project History:
Firstly, we ask for this project to not be confused with the translated originally started by translator Aishsha and romhacker Esperknight to be shared by internet hype person CJ Iwakura a few years ago, shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvc3Ux3KgGE
Due to personal reasons, Aishsha had to drop the project and return the scripts to Esperknight. Esperknight offered the project to Cargodin, who re-translated the entire script from scratch, so this project does not match the footage above in any way.
Content Warnings:
This game has a loose 1930s-1950s atmosphere, and feels all the more modest for it.
The main characters are children, and two notable lines are made that, depending on where you live and how your community might interpret them, could come off as awkward, or at worst, slightly uncomfortable.
(Specifics: one adult muses about what could be interpreted as flirting with a child, and later on, a child makes a brief comment about bathing. Like, I don't think they're a big deal at all, but I don't want my thoughts to take anything away from anyone else, yknow?)
I don't recall any photosensitivity issues, and none have been reported by recent testers thus far. Backgrounds are prerendered illustrations, and the screen is never consistently dark or dimlit. Still, if you have a history with photosensitivity, I'd recommend checking out footage online or with a friend before diving into it yourself.
The subtitles are timed to the dialogue in the game, and are by default set to progress automatically. If you'd like to forsake the auto-progression and take your time when reading the dialogue, go to the Option menu, Visual, Text and change "auto" to "step" before starting the game.
If you find something in the game that deserves a content warning to better help other people, please let us know and we'll update the readme and aim to do better by our next patch release, whatever game that might be.
- Patching Instructions
Notes from Esper: Just drag and drop the ISO (bin) file onto "Drag and drop ISO on me.bat". This will automatically patch the game for you.
- Patch Notes/Warnings
Nothing so far. If you happen to find anything, do let us know!
- Puzzle Vocabulary Index (Japanese and English)
To start, there is a Japanese Hiragana search in the in-game Users' Manual. Unfortunately, the text can be a bit cramped, so I simply removed the Japanese text from each of the puzzle pages. (Even Japanese players have complained that the kanji is too tiny to read inside of the book, so no skin off anyone's nose, tbh.
For the two people who might want to experiment with this, I've included a list of all Start Words and Target Words, along with their Japanese translations.
*This list may have minor spoilers for different puzzles, but they won't be in chronological order, so it might be hard to guess as much. Either way, I'd avoid looking at this until you clear the story.
- a (a)
- ab (ab)
- abc (abc)
- ape (猿)
- apple (リンゴ)
- ash (灰)
- b (b)
- ba (ba)
- bankrupt (没落)
- barrel (酒樽)
- bass (ベース)
- bat (コウモリ)
- bdhjm (bdhjm)
- beer (ビール)
- bell (鐘)
- best (最高の)
- bet (賭け)
- birth (誕生)
- bjps (bjps)
- boaster (ホラ吹き)
- bobbin (糸巻き)
- bomb (爆弾) (ボム)
- bonus (ボーナス)
- book (本)
- bottle (ビン)
- bowl (便器)
- broom (ホウキ)
- bucket (バケツ)
- bus (バス)
- button (ボタン)
- cab
- cactus (サボテン)
- cage (鳥かご)
- candy (キャンディ)
- canvas (キャンバス)
- car (自動車)
- carp (鯉)
- cart (荷馬車)
- cat (猫) (ネコ)
- cello (チェロ)
- celmnr (celmnr)
- chaos (混沌)
- chest (タンス)
- chicken (臆病者)
- clam (はまぐり)
- clog (つっかけ)
- coal (石炭)
- coin (コイン)
- colorful (カラフル)
- comb (クシ)
- contact (出会い)
- cookie (クッキー)
- corn (トウモロコシ)
- cotton (綿の布)
- courage (勇敢)
- cow (牛)
- crepe (クレープ)
- crow (カラス)
- cup (カップ)
- curtain (カーテン)
- darkness (暗闇)
- deadlock (行きづまり)
- death (死)
- deer (シカ)
- den (巣)
- denim (ジーパン)
- desk (机)
- despair (絶望)
- diaper (おむつ)
- discord (不協和音)
- divorce (別れ)
- dlqz (dlqz)
- donut (ドーナツ)
- doorway (門戸)
- drama (戯曲)
- drum (ドラム)
- easel (イーゼル)
- east (東)
- efforts (努力)
- egg (卵)
- ejlnu (ejlnu)
- fascia (看板)
- fig (イチジク)
- firefly (ホタル)
- fish (魚)
- fix (固定)
- flute (フルート)
- fork (フォーク)
- frame (額縁)
- freedom (自由)
- friends (友達)
- frog (カエル)
- frontier (フロンティア)
- gear (歯車)
- ginkgo (イチョウ)
- girl (少女)
- glass (眼鏡)
- gold (金)
- good (良い)
- grime (ホコリ)
- guitar (ギター)
- happy (幸せ)
- harmony (調和)
- hay (干し草)
- honesty (正直)
- infinity (無限)
- ink (インク)
- iqqq (1999)
- jack (ジャッキ)
- jam (ジャム)
- jaw (あご)
- jewel (宝石)
- joka (ジョーカ)
- jot (少し)
- journal (雑誌)
- kettle (やかん)
- keyhole (かぎ穴)
- kiwi (キウイ)
- lady (淑女)
- law (法)
- leaf (葉っぱ)
- lemon (レモン)
- lighter (ライター)
- line (釣り糸)
- lock (鍵)
- lot (たくさん)
- lovelorn (失恋)
- man (人)
- mantle (マント)
- map (地図)
- match (マッチ)
- melon (メロン)
- memories (思い出)
- mlrzc (mlrzc)
- monochro (モノクロ)
- mop (ぞうきん)
- necktie (ネクタイ)
- north (北)
- novel (小説)
- opponent (敵)
- opulence (繁栄)
- ouch (痛い!)
- oxbow (三日月湖)
- oxqom (oxqom)
- papaya (パパイヤ)
- parasol (パラソル)
- particle (粒子)
- peace (平和)
- pen (ペン)
- piano (ピアノ)
- plum (梅)
- pot (ポット)
- progress (前進)
- pump (ポンプ)
- purse (財布)
- qpyrw (ejlnu)
- ram (牡羊)
- reliance (信頼)
- relieve (救済)
- report (報告書)
- ring (リング)
- rock (岩)
- romance (ロマンス)
- rope (ロープ)
- rose (バラ)
- sax (サックス)
- scenic (風景画)
- sheet (シーツ)
- shell (貝殻)
- shoe (靴)
- showdown (決着)
- sidekick (親友)
- slavery (隷属)
- slip (スリップ)
- slot (スロットマシーン)
- snail (カタツムリ)
- snake (ヘビ)
- soap (石鹸)
- solution (解決)
- south (南)
- spangle (スパンコール)
- specter (オバケ)
- spider (クモ)
- spring (泉)
- stile (柵)
- stone (石)
- stoppage (停止)
- stove (ストーブ)
- struggle (争い)
- success (成功)
- sundial (日時計)
- sunshine (日光)
- swan (白鳥)
- tarte (タルト)
- tea (お茶)
- toilet (トイレ)
- tooth (入れ歯)
- trip (トリップ)
- tub (桶)
- unbelief (不信)
- universe (宇宙)
- uwjezl (uwjezl)
- velvet (ビロードの布)
- viola (ビオラ)
- violin (バイオリン)
- watch (腕時計)
- west (西)
- worm (ミミズ)
- x (x)
- yam (ヤマイモ)
- zooo (2000)
- Translation Patch Project Credits
Cargodin: Translator/Script writer, Image editor
Aria: Proofreader
Esperknight: Head romhacker
PSXCraver: Image hacker
Gwendolyn: Playtester
Special Thanks: Wyrdwad
This patch is entirely fan-made and unofficial. Please do NOT redistribute this patch in bad faith-- whether by pre-installed roms (looking at you, Spike) or physical discs. Do not sell or buy this patch under any circumstances.
This was a labor of love, and those bad faith actions not only insult us, but also endangers fan translation as a whole.
Thank you for understanding.
Compiled by Cargodin, October 2023.