
shell scripts for downloading contest data from and submitting solutions to DOMjudge instances

Primary LanguageShell

domjudge submit shell scripts

Some shell scripts for DOMjudge contest cloning and submissions (as a participant). This probably works primarily on Linux and macOS.


You wil need

  • curl
  • httpie
  • xdg-open (optional)


Create the following files.

  • $HOME/.config/domjudge/session containing your PHPSESSID cookie
  • $HOME/.config/domjudge/judgeurl containing the base url of the DOMjudge instance.


Go to an appropriate directory and run clone_contest.sh there with a contest id as argument. E.g., can find it in the domjudge_cid cookie in your browser. This will create one directory for each problem.

Being in such problem directory and having a solution source file like e.g. solution.cpp, run submit.sh with the source file as argument. Do not remove the .contest and .problem files, they are needed by the submit.sh script.


To add more languages, you will need to find their judge submission form values (i.e. cpp17 for C++) and modify submit.sh accordingly.

There is a callback for the creation of each problem directory in clone_contest.sh script.