
Repo containing the eightshapes.com website

Primary LanguageHTML



  1. Install NPM before attempting to run the dev environment locally. Go to https://nodejs.org/en/ and install the "LTS" version using the instructions there.

Running locally

Running the dev environment locally requires Node 8.11.0 or higher and npm 6.3.0 or higher

  1. clone this repo
  2. npm install - you may encounter warnings, they're safe to ignore
  3. npm start

Stopping the local environment

  1. ctrl + C will stop the build and server processes from running.

Making changes

Nunjucks (.njk) files in the /src directory comprise the site. Each .njk file is compiled to HTML by 11ty. To edit site content or markup, run the dev environment locally (npm start) and make changes to the .njk files.

Style changes

Styles for the entire site are found in /src/_styles/escom.scss. Make changes to this scss file and the build tooling will automatically recompile the scss to css. Autoprefixer is also enabled on the scss build toolchain.

Pass through assets

  • All files in /src/_images are automatically copied to the webroot /images directory.
  • All files in /src/_articles are automatically copied to the webroot /articles directory.
  • /src/_styles/articles.css is automatically copied to /styles/articles.css.
  • The CNAME file at /src/CNAME is automatically copied to ./CNAME.
  • All .svg files in /src/_icons are automatically copied to the webroot /icons directory.
  • There are currently no scripts on the site, but anything added to a /src/_scripts directory will automatically be copied to the webroot /scripts directory.

Build Tooling Details

11ty config

the file ./eleventy.js at the root of the project contains all the configuration for nunjucks compilation and asset pass through copying.

SCSS compilation

A custom script at ./build-tasks/compile-sass.js is responsible running the scss compiler and the autoprefixer plugin. An npm watch script uses a dependency called chokidar to monitor the escom.scss file for changes and invoke the build script whenever the file is changed.


Publishing to eightshapes.com

  1. npm run build will compile the scss and njk files to CSS and HTML into the /docs directory in the root of the project.
  2. git commit will commit the latest changes to the github repository.
  3. Github watches the master branch's /docs directory for changes. As soon as changes are committed to that directory, Github will automatically deploy changes to eightshapes.com

Google Analytics

The base layout at src/_layouts/base.njk includes a Google Analytics snippet from src/_includes/_google_analytics.html at the bottom of every page.


If you've committed changes to the master branch's /docs directory but still don't see your changes on eightshapes.com:

  1. Check the status of the repo's Github Pages settings and make sure it says it's deployed the latest.
  2. Check Github's status page and make sure there are no issues related to "Github Pages Builds"

eightshapes.com domain configuration

  • DNS Hosting is located at DNSimple. This DNS hosting is what points "eightshapes.com" to the github pages server.
  • The CNAME file in /src/CNAME tells Github pages to use eightshapes.com as the domain for the site.