
A consolidated eye candy menu for MATE (fork of GnoMenu) MateNu brings eye candy to the world of MATE menus.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

MateNu Documentation.

Copyright (C) 2010 MateNu Team, Helder Fraga, Shaun C. Marolf, Chris Hughes

Written by: Shaun C. Marolf, Helder Fraga



1.0 Description
2.0 Installing MateNu
	2.1 Dependencies
	2.2 Install
		2.2.1 Install directories
		2.2.2 Avant-Window-Navigator applet install
		2.2.3 Cairo-Dock applet install
		2.2.4 Xfce applet install
		2.2.5 64 bit install
		2.2.6 Plasma Applet install
		2.2.7 Docky helper (applet) install
	2.3 Uninstall
	2.4 Installing new themes
	2.5 Configuring MateNu
3.0 Known MateNu Issues
4.0 Creating MateNu Themes
	4.1 Button Themes
	4.2 Icon Themes
	4.3 Sound Themes
	4.4 Menu Themes

1.0 Description:

MateNu is a consolidated menu system for Mate that brings eye candy to the user's desktop. It is a fully functional third Generation menu system that supports themes for composited or non composited desktops. It can emulate the look and feel of most menus found on today's modern desktops, such as KDE, Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. It can also be used to create unique custom menu designs, due to its powerful XML theme engine.

Based on “Vista Start Menu” by Chris Hughes. It was picked up for further development by Helder Fraga. Chris Hughes is a member of the MateNu team.
Helder has since forked the project and renamed it to MateNu. The current stable release is 2.0

MateNu is released under the GNU/GPL Version 3 software license.
Under Helder's development MateNu has had many serious bugs, annoyances and issues fixed. MateNu is maturing rapidly and proving to be a powerful menu applet in its own right.

MateNu is written in Python, which will allow it to be cross platform compatible in the future if desired.

MateNu has achieved the  goal to allow new and unique menu designs while being compliant with Mate Menu standards. Though most have, not all the features planned on for MateNu have been implemented yet they are in (at the very least) the planning and drafting phases.

2.0 Installing MateNu:

Its best to use the packages for your type of distribution (i.e. DEB or RPM, etc.) However, installing from source files is extremely easy as well.
**Before installing MateNu from source code make sure ALL dependencies are met**

You can find info on distribution packages here: https://answers.launchpad.net/matenu/+faq/769

2.1 Dependencies:

* Depends:

python-gtk2 - that includes pygtk and python-pango
python-mateapplet *** necessary only when running on mate-panel *** - or in some distros "python mate desktop"
python-xml - may be needed in older distributions (eg: ubuntu before karmic)

* Recomends:

matemenu - will use this instead of xdg if it is installed
python-numpy - for gtk theme colors and some tab effects
python-mateconf - or in some distros "python mate"
python-keybinder or python-xlib - for keybinding
gettext - for translations

WARNING - In some distribution the packages names may not be the same.(this is the Ubuntu example)

2.2 Install:

extract the contents of the tar.gz
cd "path of where you extracted the tar.gz"

sudo make install

(depending on the distribution the "sudo" command my change)

Then go to your mate-panel , right click, add to panel, and select MateNu

2.2.1 Install directories:

MateNu installs by default in /usr/, where the themes get installed in /usr/share and the python code goes in /usr/lib.
You can change this by using the variables PREFIX and DESTDIR, eg:

sudo make install PREFIX=/etc

this will install MateNu in /etc/

2.2.2 Avant-Window-Navigator applet install

Just install MateNu like discribed above, then go to your AWN preferences and add it in the applets section
If you wish to install the AWN applet in another directory plaese use the AWNPREFIX in the makefile

2.2.3 Cairo-Dock applet install

Just install MateNu like discribed above, then go to your Cairo-Dock preferences, activate the dbus plugin, restart the dock, and add it in the applets section.
If you wish to install the Cairo-Dock applet in another directory plaese use the CAIRODOCKPREFIX in the makefile

2.2.4 Xfce applet install

Just install MateNu like discribed above, right click on the xfce-panel, add to panel (make shure xfapplet is installed) and select the xfapplet,the select matenu.

2.2.5 64 bit install

In order to install matenu on 64 bit systems you have to manually edit some files

To convert matenu to 64 bit operation. I use the following, which works
for me and does not give any error message:-

    1. Open matenu->Makefile then, change all '/lib' text with
    2. Repeat for 'setup.py'
    3. Finally open matenu->src and rename folder 'lib' to lib64

Thanks to Collin Mills

2.2.6 Plasma Applet install

Just install MateNu normally, with sudo make install

2.2.6 Docky helper / Applet install

1. Just install MateNu normally, with sudo make install
2. Activate the MateNu helper in Docky menu
3. Restart Docky

2.3 Uninstall:

sudo make uninstall

2.4 Installing new themes:

To install themes only use the MateNu configuration window (right click 'Preferences')

Do not copy them directly to the Themes directory
If you install themes that are not installable your menu will crash...

2.5 Configuring MateNu:

With the release of MateNu 2.0 there is a expanded preferences interface that greatly enhances the user options and implements the most requested features. Though not all requested features have been implemented the number of expanded options is increased significantly. This new design also makes interface compatible with Netbooks and small screen displays while still being friendly with large screen systems, both standard and widescreen.

MateNu uses four different theme file types to allow the user to create the style they wish to achieve.

1. Menu – This is the main theme for MateNu. The Menu Theme determines not only how MateNu looks, but how it functions as well.
2. Panel Button – The Panel Button has no impact on how MateNu functions. It simply allows the user to select how the button that opens the MateNu interface looks. Currently the only other two known Mate Menu systems that allow this, without directly manipulating specific files, are Advanced Mate Menu and Mate Vista Menu.

3. Icons – Again this theme has no impact on MateNu's functions, it simply selects the default icon theme used by MateNu. The Menu Panels always use the system Icon theme. MateNu2 adds the ability to allow the Menu Theme to utilize System Icons instead of the built in or selected MateNu Icon theme. Not all MateNu Menu Themes use this function and regardless of what Icon theme you select the look of that particular theme will not change.

4. Sounds - MateNu has the ability to use sounds.

MateNu has many new user settable options:


1. Bind keyboard Super L – Tells MateNu whether to use the Super L (Windows Hot) Key or not.

2. Show Internet and Email Buttons – Tells MateNu to show the Internet and Email Icons at the top of the Program List.

3. Use GTK Theme Colors in Program List – This feature was enabled due to issues with with dark themes in previous versions of MateNu. When checked MateNu will comply to the current system color settings.

4. Use system icons instead of theme icons - The theme must support this option for it to work. This is done to allow themers to keep a consistent theme look if desired. Though most themes in the MateNu2 series should support this not all will.

5. Tab Selection on Mouse Hover – Only affects tab styled menus and is simply is what it says. Place the pointer over a tab and it will be automatically selected.

6. Show thumbnails in recent items when available - New feature developed for MateNu2. Allows the menu to display thumbnails of recent files. This especially helpful with graphics.

7. Show tooltips in Progam List - Tooltips are new for the MateNu2 series and by default it will show tooltips for Tabs and Buttons but if you wish to also have tooltips show in the menu then turn on this option.

8. Icon Size in Program List – This is to allow MateNu to comply with accessibility standards so people can make MateNu easier to work with.

9. Number of Items in Recent Items List – Tells MateNu how many recently used items should be shown in the history list.

10. Program list type: There are four selectable options;

Listview - The current MateNu default

Buttons Expanded - The original list style

Buttons Fixed - The original style but with the button height fix to keep a consistent button size

Cairo - (experimental) This option is not fully functional at this time though its a good way to see what is slated for the future of MateNu development.

11. Tab hover effect - There are six options for when the mouse hovers over a tab:

None - Use no tab effects

Grow - Makes the tab icon slightly larger (default)

Black and White - Desaturates the color from the icon

Blur - Cause the icon to become blurry

Glow - Draws a yellow glow effect around the icon (Not recommended for dark themes)

Saturate - Intensifies the principal color of the icon

Built in Commands:

MateNu now allows the user to select what programs (as well as the modifiers) to use for its built in command set. The selected default programs are the most commonly used by Mate end users, or are selected to coincide with certain themes included with MateNu.

The built in Command Set simply determines what programs are used when certain Icons and Buttons are selected by the user. Users should take great caution when making changes. Improperly formated commands can, and will, make that particular function unusable until corrected.

The following commands should never be changed:


MateNu has incorporated its own set of programs to handle these functions due to changes in Mate. Changing these commands will cause undesired results in tab based menu designs.

The About Tab is Information and links for MateNu.

3.0 Known MateNu Issues:

MateNu like any other application has Bugs.
You can report Bugs here: https://launchpad.net/matenu

4.0 Creating MateNu Themes:

4.1 Button Themes:

Panel Buttons are fairly simple. The Button Theme consists of three working PNG files and one preview PNG file. One PNG is for the for the normal state. The second is for when the mouse is hovering over the button and the last one is for when the button is pressed. The preview PNG is used to show how the button looks in the Theme Preferences Selection.
The XML file format for Button Themes is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<content type="Button">
<ContentData Name="VAX" Author="Shaun Marolf" Copyright="Vaxxipooh"/>
<theme Top="0" id="HasTop">
	<Background Image="start-here.png" ImagePressed="start-here-depressed.png" ImageHover="start-here-glow.png"/>

Button themes tend to use varying sizes (*Need to change this to a uniform size) but all are in png format.

Required Buttons are;

start_here (normal)
start_here_depressed (pressed)
start_here_glow (hover)
themepreview (For the preferences dialog to show how the button set looks)

If the button theme has a top piece then the following graphics are also required;


4.2 Icon Themes:

Icon Themes are pretty simple. They are nothing more than selected Icons for display in the Menu Theme. The icons PNG files.

The XML file format is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<content type="Icon">
<ContentData Name="Icon Theme name" Author="Icon Theme Creator" Copyright="License or Copyright Holder"/>

Icons should be in png format.
Icon names used are;


The theme installer automaticly updates old theme names to new ones,but since new themes uses more icons then before some of the themes need to be manually updated.

If the Icons are not in the Icon theme MateNu will use the current user selected icons.

4.3 Sound Themes:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<content type="Sound">
<ContentData Name="Default" Author="Canonical" Copyright="GPL"/>

The above is the XML code for sound themes. Required sound files for sound themes are:


4.4 Menu Themes:

Creation of a Menu Theme requires a basic understanding of XML code and formatting.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<content type="Menu">
<ContentData Name="MateNu default" Author="Helder Fraga" Version="1.0" Copyright="GPL"/>

The above is the header information file. Never change the xml version

Content type informs MateNu this is a menu theme.

ContentData gives base information about the theme:

	Name="name of the theme"
	Author="name of the theme creator"
	Version ="version number of the theme"
	Copyright="copyright license the theme is being released under"

# If only one theme type available then specify color='All'
<theme color="All" color_lang="All" colorvalue="#ffffff">
	<Background Image="startmenu.png"/>

The above tells MateNu what the name of the main image file is for the menu frame.

	<IconSettings X="16" Y="13" Width="66" Height="58" InsetX="6" InsetY="6" InsetWidth="44" InsetHeight="44"/>

The above tells MateNu where to place the user image frame, what size it is and the inset size of the frame to properly scale the user image to fit. This must be included in the XML code or it will not work. If your theme is not going to have a user image frame then use the following code:

<IconSettings X="0" Y="0" Width="0" Height="0" InsetX="0" InsetY="0" InsetWidth="0" InsetHeight="0"/>

MateNu always uses the file "user-image-frame.png" for the user image frame.

	<SearchBarSettings  X="110" Y="40" Width="260" Height="20" Widget="gtk"/>

Tells MateNu the coordinates of the Search bar, size and if desired what search widget to use.

	<ProgramListSettings X="91" Y="80" Width="274" Height="371" OnlyShowRecentApps="0" OnlyShowFavs="0"/>

This is the center point of the menu. This is the main display. Dependent on the tab or button selected by the user it shows the program, file or options list the user can then select from. If OnlyShowRecentApps="1" it will show recentapps as a default instead of application, same goes for OnlyShowFavs="1".

	<Capabilities HasSearch="1" HasIcon="1" HasFadeTransition="1"/>\

Tells MateNu what features to utilize, simple on off functions, where 0=off and 1=on. Even though you must have the IconsSettings line in the code the setting 'HasIcon="0"' should be set if its not going to be used.

	<Label Name="Username"	Markup="&lt;span foreground='#dbdbdb' font_desc='Sui Generis 12' stretch='semicondensed'&gt;[TEXT]&lt;/span&gt;" LabelX="110" LabelY="18" Command="whoami"/>

Labels allow the themer to display extra information in the theme. The above label shows the user name.

<Label Name="System"	Markup="&lt;span foreground='#FFFFFF' font_desc='Sans Bold 10' stretch='normal'&gt;IP :  [TEXT]&lt;/span&gt;" LabelX="20" LabelY="130" Command="/sbin/ip route | grep 'src ' | cut -d c -f3 "/>

The above label shows what IP Address is assigned to the computer.

<Label Name="Username"	Markup="&lt;span foreground='#dbdbdb' font_desc='Sans Bold 30' stretch='semicondensed'&gt;[TEXT]&lt;/span&gt;" LabelX="105" LabelY="15" Command=" date +%H:%M"/>

The above label shows the system time. NOTE: This label will not update until the menu is opened again. It only shows the current time that the menu was called up from the launch (start) button. 

	<Label Name="System"	Markup="&lt;span foreground='#dbdbdb' font_desc='Sans Bold 20' stretch='semicondensed'&gt;[TEXT]&lt;/span&gt;" LabelX="20" LabelY="90" Command="lsb_release -d | sed -e 's/.*: //' | awk '{print $2,$3}'"/>

The above label will show the Distribution and Version of Linux being used.

	<Tab Name="Favorites"	Markup="&lt;span foreground='#000000' font_desc='Sans 6' stretch='semicondensed'&gt;Favorites&lt;/span&gt;"		TextX="15" TextY="60" Image="" ImageSel="m_tab.png" TabIcon="m_favorites.png" TabX="18" TabY="78" SubMenu="1" Command="7" CloseMenu="0" Icon="m_favorites.png" AddBackButton='0'/>

MateNu now has the ability to justify text on tabs, buttons and labels. By adding the following to the XML code line for them:


Where X =:

0 - Left justification
1 - Center justification
2 - Right justification

	Tabs were first introduced to MateNu during the 1.9.xx development phase and have expanded MateNu's options, abilities and design features greatly. The main things a themer needs to be aware of when utilizing tabs is how to make them function correctly. These are controlled by the SubMenu, Command, CloseMenu and AddBackButton options. All are a simple on off function with the exception of the command. The command action table is as follows:

Command Number		Function

1			Opens Applications Menu
2			Opens a list of recently used applications
3			Opens Auxiliary Functions
4			Opens a list of recently accessed files
7			Opens Favorites Menu
8			Opens Places Menu (GTK Favorites)
9			Opens the shut down, logout and lock options menu
10			Opens The default Web Browser's list of bookmarks

Buttons are like tabs in many respects but act differently. When using buttons the "Command=" line needs to list the actual command the themer wishes to use.

The first tab code listed in the XML code will be the default tab (The one MateNu highlights when the menu is first opened.) Themers need to be aware of this so that they can make sure that they select the correct tab they want for the default.

NOTE: Due to GTK limitations recently used applications is based on the file mime type and will list the default program that the system uses for the file type and not the actual program. This is a known issue that is being worked out. Recent Apps is a new MateNu2 function and is still under development.

<Button Name="Control Panel" Markup="" TextX="0" TextY="0" Image="m_button.png" ButtonIcon="m_controlpanel.png" ButtonIconSel="" ButtonX="321" ButtonY="275" SubMenu="0" Command="Control Panel" CloseMenu="1" Icon=""/>

Icon translation matrix: This is now deprecated in MateNu. See section 4.2 for further information.