
A three page website, built with Next Js, React, Tailwind, and HTML5.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My Team - A three page responsive website

Table of contents


This project is built with HTML5, CSS, Tailwind, React (ES6), and Next Js. The form data will be sent to the FormSpree API for collection.


The HTML has:

  • Three pages:

    • Home

      • Nav bar
      • Header
        • Find the best (h1)
        • Info text (p)
        • Two background images at desktop size
        • Only one background image at tablet and mobile size
      • Build and manage
        • Build and manage (h2)
        • Background Image
        • Benefits cards
          • Experienced Individuals (h3)
          • Easy to Implement (h3)
          • Enhanced Productivity (h3)
        • Delivering results (h2)
          • Two background Image
          • Success stories cards
            • Quote
            • Full name (h3)
            • Position
            • Avatar
            • Background quote image
        • Ready to get started
        • Footer
    • About

      • Header
        • About (h1)
        • Info text (p)
        • Background image
      • Meet the Directors (h2)
        • Two background images
        • director card
          • Avatar
          • Full name (h3)
          • Position (p)
          • Plus or minus btn that shows/hides
            • Full name (h2)
            • Quote
            • Social icons
      • Clients
        • Background image
          • Some of our clients (h2)
          • list of clients (Image)
      • Ready to get started
      • Footer
    • Contact

      • Nav
      • Header
        • Contact (h1)
        • Ask about (h2)
        • Benefits cards
          • Quality (h3)
          • Usage (h3)
          • Innovation (h3)
      • Form
        • Name
        • Email address
        • Company name
        • Title
        • Message
        • Submit btn
      • Footer
  • All pages will reuse the following components:

    • Nav
      • Logo
      • Page links
      • Contact Btn
    • Footer
      • Logo
      • Page links
      • Address
      • Social links
      • Copyright
  • Other components reused across pages:

    • Ready to get started
      • Background image
      • Ready to get started (h2)
      • Contact Btn
    • Benefits cards
      • Image
      • Heading (h3)
      • Info (p)


The CSS has:

  • Modular style sheets

  • Mobile first development

  • Tailwind - only used for general styling like margin and padding

  • Prefers light or dark mode

  • Variables

  • The organization of the styles.css will be(in descending order):

    • Variables
    • Resets
    • All typography
    • Media query for typography
    • General styles
    • Media query for General styles

The JavaScript

The JavaScript has:

  • All forms will use FormSpree for data collection
  • GetWindowWidth function to dynamically render content
  • ToggleClass function to toggle a class for dynamic rendering and transitions
  • Logic for mobile nav bar

Expected Behavior

All Pages

  • When the "Contact us" call-to-action in the Nav bar is clicked, navigate to the Contact page

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for each page depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements throughout the site


  • When the "Contact us" call-to-action in the Ready to get started component is clicked, navigate to the Contact page


  • When the "Contact us" call-to-action in the Ready to get started component is clicked, navigate to the Contact page

  • See the correct content for each team member when the + icon is clicked

  • Hide the extra content for each team member when the - icon is clicked


  • Receive an error message when the contact form is submitted if:
    • The Name, Email Address or Message fields are empty should show "This field is required"
    • The Email Address is not formatted correctly should show "Please use a valid email address"


screen shot of full screen webpage screen shot of mobile webpage


Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 - HTML5 with clear and descriptive tags for better accessibility and search engine optimization
  • CSS - A utility-first CSS framework
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Tailwind - A utility-first CSS framework
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • React - JS library
  • Next.js - React framework
  • FormSpree - Form API with endpoint for submitted form data to be sent to
