
Rent a scooter website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Scoot - Rent a Scooter website

Table of contents


This project is built with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript(ES6), React, and is built in Next JS.

The HTML has:

  • Four pages:

    • Home

      • process
      • Feature cards
        • Easy-to-use
        • Coming-to-a-city-near-you
        • Zero-hassle
    • About

      • Feature cards
        • Mobility
        • Better-urban-living
      • Our values cards
        • Our-tech
        • Our integrity
        • Our community
      • FAQ drop-downs
        • How it works
          • download
          • find
          • license
        • Safe driving
          • helmet
          • rules
          • damage
    • Careers

      • Feature card
        • Join our mission
      • Our values cards
        • Our-tech
        • Our integrity
        • Our community
      • Job listing cards
        • General Manager
        • UI/UX
        • Blog copywriter
        • Graphic Designer
        • Fleet Supervisor
        • UX analyst
    • Locations

      • Locations map
      • Not listed
  • All pages will reuse the following components:

    • Header
      • Nav
      • Hero
    • Footer
      • SignUp
      • FooterNav
  • Other reused components:

    • Feature card
    • Our values card
    • learn more btn

The CSS has:

  • Modular style sheets
  • Mobile first development
  • BEM convention
  • Prefers light or dark mode
  • Variables
  • The organization of all CSS modules will be (in descending order):
    • Variables
    • Resets
    • All typography
    • Media query for typography
    • General styles
    • Media query for General styles

The JavaScript has:

  • All forms will use FormSpree for data collection
  • Onclick to expand / hide nav for mobile
  • ToggleClass function to toggle a transition for movement
  • GetWindowWidth function to dynamically render content
  • GetImageBasedOnWindowWidth function to dynamically render correct image (for cleaner code)


Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for each page depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements throughout the site

Expected Behavior

All Pages

  • When the "Get Scootin" call-to-action in the header is clicked, scroll down to the app download section at the bottom of the page


  • When the "Get Scootin" call-to-action in the intro section is clicked, scroll down to the app download section at the bottom of the page

  • When the "Learn More" call-to-action is clicked in the "Easy to use riding telemetry" component navigate to the About page

  • When the "Learn More" call-to-action is clicked in the "Coming to a city near you" component navigate to the Locations page

  • When the "Learn More" call-to-action is clicked in the "Zero hassle payments" component navigate to the About page


  • When the "Say Hello" call-to-action is clicked open modal to submit a form that sends to company email

    • FullName
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • message
    • Subscribe to our newsletter box
  • When the "Apply" call-to-action is clicked, open modal with form to apply:

    • Top of form will say the name of the Position clicked to apply for.
    • Full Name
    • Phone Number
    • Email address
    • Upload resume
    • Best time to contact you
    • Subscribe to our newsletter box


  • When the "Message Us" call-to-action is clicked open modal to submit a form that sends to company email
    • Full Name
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • message
    • Subscribe to our newsletter box


screen shot of full screen webpage screen shot of mobile webpage


Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 - HTML5 with clear and descriptive tags for better accessibility and search engine optimization
  • CSS - A utility-first CSS framework
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • JavaScript - JavaScript
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • React - JS library
  • Next.js - React framework
  • FormSpree - Form API with endpoint for submitted form to be sent to
