MAUI Issue Processor and Slicer

One-time setup:

  1. On GitHub create a Personal Access Token (PAT)
    • Go to
    • Click Generate new token
    • Give a descriptive name such as MAUI issue processor and set a reasonable expiration time
    • Leave all the settings as default (the tool needs only read-only access to public repos, which is the default)
    • Click Generate token
    • Save the token to the clipboard (you will never be able to see it again!)
  2. Open a command prompt / shell window and navigate to the MauiIssueProcessor folder
    • Run the command dotnet user-secrets set GitHubAccessToken PASTE_THE_TOKEN_VALUE

Run the issue downloader to download issue metadata to a CSV file:

  1. Open a command prompt / shell window and navigate to the MauiIssueProcessor folder
  2. Run dotnet run
    • It takes roughly 30 seconds to download 2500 issues
  3. The location of the output file is seen in the output. For example:
    • Saved CSV to: C:\...\MauiIssueProcessor\bin\Debug\net6.0\dotnet-maui-issues.csv

Run the slicer to process the CSV file and generate some statistics and other CSV files

  1. Open a command prompt / shell window and navigate to the MauiIssueSlicer folder
    • Run dotnet run c:\path\to\file.csv
    • This will generate two CSV files (the location will be shown), plus some additional statistics will be shown in the output