
Comment repository for www.lingeswaran.com and www.lingeswaran.de blog posts.

Repository for Blog Comments (Utteranc.es)

This repository contains the comments for my personal website and blog, available at www.lingeswaran.com and www.lingeswaran.de. The comments are managed using the Utteranc.es service, which provides a way to have dynamic comments on a static website without the need for a separate commenting system or server.

About Utteranc.es

Utteranc.es is a lightweight and open-source commenting system that leverages GitHub issues to store comments. It allows visitors to leave comments on specific pages of the website, and those comments are stored as GitHub issues in this repository.

How it Works

Whenever a visitor leaves a comment on my website, Utteranc.es stores the comment as a new GitHub issue in this repository. Each comment is associated with a specific page of the website, making it easy to organize and manage discussions.

For more information about Utteranc.es, please visit their GitHub repository.

Thank you for participating in the discussions and leaving your valuable comments on my personal website and blog!