This is the LOUD Development Repository, where the big brains come together to make LOUD even LOUDER.
Either download the latest master or clone the repository.
Latest Master
Download the latest master. In your Forged Alliance folder, create a new sub-folder called "Git-LOUD". Extract the master to the newly created Git-LOUD folder.
Cloning the Repo
In your Forged Alliance folder, create a new sub-folder called "Git-LOUD". Clone the repository to that folder using your github client of choice.
You'll need to set up a shortcut to your Supcom executable with the following parameters: /windowed 1366 768 /nomusic /nomovie /showlog /log "Loud-Dev.log" /init "..\Git-LOUD\bin\SupComDataPath.lua"
Put this shortcut in your Git-LOUD bin folder. Run the shortcut and wait for the game to open. Once the game is open, create a new profile for development.
Git-LOUD loads maps from the "Live" LOUD's 'maps' and 'usermaps' sub-folders. This lets us trim down the Git version from the Live version.