
Collective Variable HyperDynamics install manual

Primary LanguagexBase


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0.Suppose your server had install openmpi 4.1.0 and corresponding complier

  1. Download and unzip lammps,suggest use lammps-7Aug19
wget http://lammps.sandia.gov/tars/lammps-stable.tar.gz
tar -xvf lammps-stable.tar.gz   
  1. Download colvars_cvhd.tar.gz
wget https://sites.google.com/site/kristofbal/colvars-cvhd.tar.gz

download from the repo.


1.Read the readme.txt carefully

cp -r lib/colvars ~/lammps-7Mar19/lib/
cp -r USER-COLVARS ~/lammps-7Mar19/src/
cp fix_timeboost.cpp fix_timeboost.h ~/lammps-7Mar19/src/
  1. Install user-colvars and other packages you need.
cd lammps-7Mar19/src
make yes-user-colvars
make yes-user-reaxc
cd ../lib/colvars
make -f Makefile.g++
cd ../../src
make mpi # compile with openmpi

sed environment variable

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:'$(pwd)>>$HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc


  1. Check the packages install successfully
lmp_mpi -h

Download the dodecane example and run the dodecane combustion

mpirun -np 8 lmp_mpi -in in.ch

2.Check the log file and analyse result to make sure your simulation is correct