
The repo that contains my GitHub profile content.

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Hi, I'm Rob 👋

I've been programming for 35 years with 20 of those years as a professional software architect and engineer building and shipping solutions for dozens of industries; from e-commerce, to manufacturing, HR, gaming, design/developer tools, CMS, medical, insurance, education, pro audio, web platform, and more.

I have been a consistent leader of multiple, highly successful open-source projects over an 18-year period. You may know of my work as the architect and technical advisor for Microsoft's FAST Web Components technology, used by almost 1,500 teams/products at Microsoft and shipped to over one billion customers. I am the original creator of Aurelia, Durandal, Caliburn.Micro, and Caliburn and also consulted with Google on Angular, AngularJS, and Angular Material. The earliest days of my open-source work were spent contributing to Castle Project and NHibernate.

I'm a huge advocate of Web Standards and Web Components with unique experience designing libraries and contributing directly to W3C, WHATWG, and TC39 work. I hope you'll join me in embracing the open web.

Currently I consult, teach, and mentor developers, mostly focused on Web Standards, Web Components, UI Architecture, and Engineering Culture. If you are interested in engaging on these topics, please reach out.