- Landing Page
- Product List
- Product Detail
- Rating a product
- Checkout to cart
- Add and delete items to cart
- Users can select different categories to see products within them.
- Users must be able to apply different filters like price range, color, average rating, and so on.
- Users must be able to combine two or more filters.
- Users must be able to see more products using pagination.
- Different views for different resolutions
- Testing
- Send email and message with deep links
- Track emails
- Authentication
- Products API: http://api.devtoolstech.in/ecommerce/products
- Categories API: http://api.devtoolstech.in/ecommerce/categories
- The API server is based on json-server. So, feel free to check out its documentation on how to make use of features like SEARCH, SORTING, FILTERING etc.
- Search the product - by name
- Filter - multiple filters can be combined
- Pagination - depends on the grid view or list view
- Sort the Products- price low to high or high to low
- Two views for the listing - Grid or list
- Show price - With and without discount
- Add tags on card -> new arrival , bestseller , most viewed
- Recommendations list based on the product name or category
- Show name, description , rating, reviews ,
- Add to cart , wishlist the product
- Rate the product
- View the items in the cart
- Delete the items from the cart -> recalculate the price