
A Collaborative Online Judge Code Room

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CollaboCode: A Collaborative Online Judge Code Room

Coding Isn't Boring — It's Actually a Lot of Fun. With CollaboCode, you can experience coding with friends wherever you are. For free. CollaboCode supports multiple user coding and chatting in the Code Room.

Supported Features

  • User can create their own personal coding questions.
  • User can select a problem from the problem list and either join an existed room or create a new room for coding.
  • User can chat with other members in the same Code Room while coding.
  • User can click the submit button and the System will build and run the code. The result will be showed in the bottom.


sh ./launcher.sh


  • Front-end: JavaScript, Angular2, Node.js, Express, RESTful API
  • Back-end: Python, Flask, Redis, MongoDB, Docker, Nginx


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