
PyRTMP: Pure Python RTMP server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PyRTMP: Pure Python RTMP server



  • ✅ Pure Python
  • ✅ Easy to customize
  • ✅ Production Ready
  • ✅ UV loop
  • ✅ PyPy
  • ✅ Support RTMP(s)
  • ✅ Support RTMPT(s)


After using this package for years in production server. It runs flawlessly without any problem. So I decided to switch the development status from Beta to Production since version 0.2.0. Also, I share my configuration at Deployment section below.

If you have any problems. Feel free to create issue on GitHub.

What's new


  • Clean up, refactoring, bug fixes
  • Add more testcases.
  • Add support to Python 3.11
  • Add GitHub action workflows
  • Add RTMP to FFMPEG example
  • Add RTMP to FLV example
  • Add RTMPT example


Install from PyPI:

pip install pyrtmp

Install from source:

pip install pyrtmp@git+https://github.com/Eittipat/pyrtmp.git


Let say we want to create a simple RTMP server that can save all incoming stream to FLV file. We can do it by creating a subclass of Simple RTMP controller and override some methods. Here is the example:

import asyncio
import os
import logging

from pyrtmp import StreamClosedException
from pyrtmp.flv import FLVFileWriter, FLVMediaType
from pyrtmp.session_manager import SessionManager
from pyrtmp.rtmp import SimpleRTMPController, RTMPProtocol, SimpleRTMPServer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class RTMP2FLVController(SimpleRTMPController):

    def __init__(self, output_directory: str):
        self.output_directory = output_directory

    async def on_ns_publish(self, session, message) -> None:
        publishing_name = message.publishing_name
        file_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, f"{publishing_name}.flv")
        session.state = FLVFileWriter(output=file_path)
        await super().on_ns_publish(session, message)

    async def on_metadata(self, session, message) -> None:
        session.state.write(0, message.to_raw_meta(), FLVMediaType.OBJECT)
        await super().on_metadata(session, message)

    async def on_video_message(self, session, message) -> None:
        session.state.write(message.timestamp, message.payload, FLVMediaType.VIDEO)
        await super().on_video_message(session, message)

    async def on_audio_message(self, session, message) -> None:
        session.state.write(message.timestamp, message.payload, FLVMediaType.AUDIO)
        await super().on_audio_message(session, message)

    async def on_stream_closed(self, session: SessionManager, exception: StreamClosedException) -> None:
        await super().on_stream_closed(session, exception)

class SimpleServer(SimpleRTMPServer):

    def __init__(self, output_directory: str):
        self.output_directory = output_directory

    async def create(self, host: str, port: int):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.server = await loop.create_server(
            lambda: RTMPProtocol(controller=RTMP2FLVController(self.output_directory)),

async def main():
    current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    server = SimpleServer(output_directory=current_dir)
    await server.create(host='', port=1935)
    await server.start()
    await server.wait_closed()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Next, we can test our server by executing the following command:

ffmpeg -i my_test_file.flv -c:v copy -c:a copy -f flv rtmp://

Your flv file will be saved in the same directory as your python script.


In production environment, You should run multiple instances of RTMP server and use load balancer to distribute incoming stream. I recommend to use Nginx as a load balancer and Supervisord to manage your RTMP server instances. Also, uvloop or pypy can be used to boost your performance.

Here is nginx configuration example:

stream {

    upstream stream_backend {;;

    server {
        listen     1935;
        proxy_pass stream_backend;


Coming soon.


  • Support AMF3
  • ReStream / Client Mode
  • Documentation