
To run the exercices some dependencies are necessary. This project uses cpanm and local::lib so that it does not pollute your env with the dependencies it uses (it installs them in the project directory).

To install the dependencies and run the exercices:

  1. cd to the exercice directory (perl-exercises)
  2. Execute (or install-deps.bat if using Windows) to install the dependencies.
  3. Run each exercice with perl (exercice 1 is the only one that requires a parameter)


Unable to install the dependencies?

Tip: a clear install of strawberry-perl is able to install all deps successfully using the instructions above.

  1. If cpanm or local::lib aren't available, they can be installed with:

$ cpan App::cpanminus local::lib

  1. If you're unable to install them for any reason, the dependencies can be installed using just cpan:

$ cpan DBI DBD::mysql Mojolicious Config::Simple

  1. If the above method was used, lines mentioning local::lib in the perl exercice files must be removed.

Unable to connect to MySQL in exercice 3?

Exercice 3 depends on extra-files/config.ini, set your connection string, user and password in it.

In exercice 4 this happens: Can't create listen socket: Address already in use

The 3514 port is already in use, please stop the service that is using it or edit the perl file to use another port.