
Pyfa Modification (Darkmode theme)

Primary LanguageC++

Pyfa Modification (Darkmode theme)

Pyfa Modifications (Darkmode theme)

What is it

This is a runtime modification to the amazing Python Fitting Assistant that implements a pseudo darkmode theme for the Pyfa windows build. For someone using Pyfa often, the default windows theme colors can be quite strenuous for the eyes.

Looking at the Pyfa Issue thread regarding Dark/Nightmode a prober solution has never been fully released, so I decided to sit down and make a quick-n-dirty work around to this.

Installation & Uninstallation

Download the .zip file named "release_###.zip" from latest release

To install copy the files named "oleacc.dll" and "oleacc.ini" into the Pyfa installation directory.

To uninstall delete the file named "oleacc.dll" from the Pyfa installation directory.

Windows Support (x64)

This should work on at least following Windows versions:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

Pyfa Support

It currently supports the latest version of Pyfa for windows, but this could change in the future with changes made by the Pyfa developers.

How does it work

When build this solution creates a DLL, that is automatically loaded by Pyfa when placed in the installation directory.

The DLL hooks a specific set of windows functions, modifying the color values.

Available Themes

From version v1.0.0 it is possible to select one of multiple color themes. To change theme add or update the entry "ActiveThemePalette" in the Configuration file.

Included themes:

BlackBeauty (1)
Licorice (2) LicoriceBlue (3) Daintree (4)

Custom theme

It is possible to specify your own color theme using the "OverrideThemePalette" entry in the Configuration file.


Configuration file

The optional file "oleacc.ini" contains custom settings, and can be freely edited.

For any changes to take effect, Pyfa must be restarted.

; Pyfa mod Darkmode settings
;   ActiveThemePalette [OPTIONAL, Boolean, Default=1]
;	Indicate which of the available color themes to use. (ex. "ActiveThemePalette = 3" to use the LicoriceBlue color theme)
;	Available color themes: 1 = BlackBeauty, 2 = Licorice, 3 = LicoriceBlue, 4 = BlackBeauty
;   OverrideThemePalette [OPTIONAL, Comma separated string]
;	Specify a string of (5) comma separated RGB hex colors to use as theme palette, ordered from darkest to lightest.
;	Valid RGB hex format prefix are #, 0x or nothing.
;	(ex. OverrideThemePalette = #521ecc, #e68ca1, #1a2070, #a85294, #aaccb5)
;   EnableCustomControls[OPTIONAL, Boolean, Default = true]
;	Indicates if the standard windows controls will be colored by the active theme palette.
;   UseExperimentalDarkmode [OPTIONAL, Boolean, Default = true]
;	Implementation of some undocumented windows api call, to force certain apps into a darkmode state.
;   EnableLogging [OPTIONAL, Boolean, Default = false]
;	Write log output to a .log file.

ActiveThemePalette = 1
;OverrideThemePalette = #521ecc, #e68ca1, #1a2070, #a85294, #aaccb5
EnableCustomControls = true
UseExperimentalDarkmode = true
EnableLogging = false


Any issues can be submitted using the issue system.

  • I can be contacted through following:
    • EvE: Eibon Ravnsborg
