
Gearswap Commands for FFXI

Gearswap Commands for FFXI

This currently does not work with Mote's Gearswaps. This does work with https://github.com/Selindrile/GearSwap but needs a different format like this:

user_job_self_command(commandArgs, eventArgs) if commandArgs:get(1) == 'unfol' then send_command('setkey numpad7 down;wait 0.1;setkey numpad7 up') add_to_chat(158,'unfollow') end

There's a lot of old and unused commands in here. I'll eventually get around to cleaning it up. For now, use or create what works best for you.

A brief intro guide to these commands can be found on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fTsP5R0sIQ