
Technical security validation of the most common vaccination certificate apps in Latvia

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Technical security validation of the most common vaccination certificate apps in Latvia




Static Analysis Tools

Dynamic Analysis Tools

"Frida" tutorials for Android:

Valuable insight on the apps (OSINT)

IDs of the tested apps (as of May 4, 2022)


Version / Title / ID (Comment)
1.4.6    -  Coronapas      dk.sum.ssicpas (developer didn't authorize API test) 
4.1.0    -  Covid Cert     ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.wallet (developer didn't authorize API test) 
4.0.0    -  Covid Check    ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.verifier (developer didn't authorize API test) 
1.3.10   -  Covid19Verify  lv.verification.dgc (developer didn't authorize API test) 
1.18     -  GreenCheck     at.itsv.mobile.cochap (developer not interested in pentest)                
1.4.2    -  GreenPass      com.italinnovation.greenPass (developer didn't authorize API test) 
2.3.2    -  Grüner Pass    at.gv.brz.wallet (developer didn't authorize API test) 


Version / Title / ID (Comment)
1.4.6    -  Coronapas      dk.sum.ssicpas (developer didn't authorize API test) 
4.1.0    -  Covid Cert     ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.wallet (developer didn't authorize API test) 
4.0.0    -  Covid Check    ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.verifier (developer didn't authorize API test) 
1.3.10   -  Covid19Verify  lv.verification.dgc (developer didn't authorize API test) 
1.18     -  GreenCheck     at.itsv.mobile.cochap (developer not interested in pentest)
2.0.1    -  GreenPass      com.italinnovation.green_pass (developer didn't authorize API test) 
2.3.2    -  Grüner Pass    at.gv.brz.wallet (developer didn't authorize API test) 

iOS app decryption

  • Jailbreak with checkra1n (most reliable tool IMHO for older phones with iOS 14.x)
  • Install app manager like Cydia or Zebra and import sources
  • clone https://github.com/AloneMonkey/frida-ios-dump
  • iproxy 2222 44 & sleep 3
  • python3 ./dump.py app_id

Android app decryption

  • Jailbreak with Magisk
  • sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot (Linux) OR brew install android-platform-tools (MacOS)
  • adb version
  • sudo adb start-server
  • enable developer menu and USB debugging on the Android device
  • adb devices
  • adb shell pm list packages -f -3 (lists 3rd party packages)
  • adb shell pm path com.example.someapp (get the path)
  • adb pull /data/app/com.example.someapp-2.apk path/to/desired/destination example:
adb pull /data/app/ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.wallet-NiAioUODHi220A37oOKJpA==/base.apk /home/ejus/Desktop/covid/apk/2/ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.wallet
adb pull /data/app/ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.verifier-WpcXFR96LOcSIyX-jrSyJQ==/base.apk /home/ejus/Desktop/covid/apk/2/ch.admin.bag.covidcertificate.verifier
adb pull /data/app/at.itsv.mobile.cochap-uJgbHaO6dRk5tHAbDdpRCA==/base.apk /home/ejus/Desktop/covid/apk/2/at.itsv.mobile.cochap
adb pull /data/app/lv.verification.dgc-gmYHc8tIublP9eecMl2MjA==/base.apk /home/ejus/Desktop/covid/apk/2/lv.verification.dgc
adb pull /data/app/com.italinnovation.green_pass-Ij3k1HCqqH96nu-UXgsIKA==/base.apk /home/ejus/Desktop/covid/apk/2/com.italinnovation.green_pass
adb pull /data/app/dk.sum.ssicpas-7D4OV4X_1tUMGk6i8R14gQ==/base.apk /home/ejus/Desktop/covid/apk/2/dk.sum.ssicpas
adb pull /data/app/at.gv.brz.wallet-Ev23EnkNfQ0PH-BT4JceBQ==/base.apk /home/ejus/Desktop/covid/apk/2/at.gv.brz.wallet