
How to start

npm install
npm run start

Chosen tools

  • React. I prefer this library for UI development and have extended experience with it.
  • Webpack. I decided to set my own webpack config to take full control under my settings and dependencies (instead of Create React App).
  • Jest. Just the standard of unit-testing in JS word.
  • React-testing-library (RTL). I like this approach for testing, which is about testing the business logic without touching implementation details. We check the exactly how the user would be use our component.
  • Redux Toolkit. It has convenient toolset for Redux development.
  • Redux-saga. It is used to handle side effects. It was picked as a tool I have experience with.
  • SCSS modules. Just simple usage of CSS but with unique styles name.
  • Eslint, Prettier. It is always nice to automatize routine work to concentrate on important stuff.
  • Axios. It gives a convenient wrapper under fetch interface.
  • React-router-dom. Below I will explain why this routing is needed :)

Project structure:

  • assets - for icons.
  • components - for common dumb view components, which are not connected with particular feature. Placed here general components like spinner, header, and table.
  • modules - for components and logic dedicated to business domain features. It includes reducers, models, sagas, styles, and components. I have two parts of the app here: part with world champions list and part with list of races and winners of the year.
  • pages - root components aggregating other ones. For the app I have only one main page.
  • helpers - simple utilities which are used among the whole app. Here is the DRY principle.

For bigger projects, I would create a models directory to keep models which are used among the whole app. But in this case I have only one type (for loading state) so I decided to create the only one file in /src.

vars.scss file keeps all used colors in one place. This approach helps to manipulate CSS properties in the application easier.

Creating this structure, I tried to stick to Separation of concerns principle.


Decided to create two independent modules which depend on outer single source of truth. For this purpose, React-router was chosen. When the user select world champion in the list, the page is redirected from / to /${year} and content with winners during the season is updated. Moreover, the user can copy an URL with specific year and open it in a new tab with selected year.

Browser support

Added Autoprefixer plugin to support style prefixes for all popular browsers automatically.

The app was checked in the following browsers:

  1. Chrome
  2. Firefox
  3. Edge

Unfortunately, I don't have an opportunity to test it in Safari (laptop OS is Linux)


I have 3 breakpoints:

  • 600px for mobile devices
  • 900px for tablets
  • > 900px desktop

On the desktop sidebar is always visible.

For tablets and mobile devices, I made font-sizes and table paddings smaller.

When the user makes the screen narrower to these breakpoints, a menu button appears and the sidebar hides. We can open/close sidebar using this button. When the user clicks on an item in the sidebar, it automatically closes to display data on a full screen.