
Choice-Based Conjoint study in the Cloud Services Platform market using Multinomial Logit model

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Choice-Based Conjoint study in the Cloud Services Platform market using Multinomial Logit model

For this project I will run a Choice-Based Conjoint study in the Cloud Services Platform market (e.g. Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure). The client wants to make some product design decisions such as core feature-sets, pricing, and tiers of service to optimise revenue or new sign-ups. I will work with the cloud.csv file. The file contains data on choices made by 200 respondents. Each respondent evaluated 15 choice sets. Thus, the file contains data on 200 × 15 = 3000 choice sets. Each choice set had three alternatives. A respondent’s task was to choose one alternative from a choice set. The following below describes the variables in the dataset:

Variable Description respondent_id Identifierfor each respondent (1 to 200) choiseset_id Identifier for each choice set for each respondent (1 to 15) alternative_id Identifier for each alternative in a choice set (1 to 3) choice_id Identifier for each choice set in the entire study (1 to 3000) cloud_storage Attribute cloud storage with three levels: 30GB / 2000GB /5000GB customer_support Attribute customer support with two levels: Yes / No cloud_services Attribute cloud services with three levels: Email / Email + Video /Email + Video + Productivity price Attribute price with three levels: £6 per month / £12 per month /£18 per month choice Shows which alternative was chosen in each choice set (Dummy coded: 1 if alternative was chosen; 0 otherwise)