Checkprime Number
Write a program “” without using functions. This program should comprise following tasks: (6 points)
Ask the user for an input number. The input number should be a positive integer number. Please check if the input number is a positive integer number greater than 1. If not, print that the input is invalid and ask the user to input a valid number.
Then it should be determined, whether the number is a prime number or not. Display a statement, if the number is a prime number or not.
If the input is not a prime number, explain why it is not a prime and display the previous as well as the next prime number. Hint: A prime number is a positive integer number larger 1, which divisors are just 1 and the number itself.
Same Task as in 1.1, but this time with the use of functions. You may use the published stub file. (5 points)