
A build tool use automation build ipa and distrabution to test.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A build tool use automation build ipa and distrabution to test.


  • Pull code scheduled, build depend on lastest Git commit message
  • Pull code before build
  • Filter log between two build
  • Upload IPA to fir.im after build succces
  • Upload symbol file to bugly after build succces
  • Copy to somewhere after build succces
  • Send mail after build success(optional you can send filter log)
  • Send Dingtalk message after build success(optional you can send filter log)
  • Send mail after build failure, build log as attachment
  • Optional you can use the tool manual, only upload to fir.im and bulgy support


  • Xcode 9
  • Python3
  • Git
  • fir gem
  • bugly jar file and Java installed

This tool only support python3, and it has several platform tool dependency, you should install them manually.

Setup on a new machine

  1. Install Xcode 9
  2. Install python3
  3. Install Java runtime (download JDK and install)
  4. Install fir-cli
  5. Test manual mode
  6. Add launchctl task (if need)


First you should install the python dependencies

cd build_ipa
[sudo]pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Usage: build.py [options] arg

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
                        config file path
  -a, --auto            use auto mode, defalut False, you must set target
                        option with valid value when defalut value
  -t TARGET, --target=TARGET
                        build target, will be ignored when auto option is True

Usage example

path/to/python3 path/to/build.py -c path/to/config -t 'dev'

There is a config example, use YAML format

# ===========================================
# Build config file
# ===========================================

# Project path, absolute path
project_path: 'path log project'
# Workspace name, file name under project path
worspace_name: 'Example.xcworkspace'
# Log path, absolute path
log_path: 'path of log'
# Build file (archive, ipa etc) path, absolute path
builds_path: 'path of builds, for IPA'
# Build log file name, build log located in builds_path's log folder
builg_log: build.log

# Git info
  pull_before_build: true
  # Which branch to build, if not set, will use the local repo's current brach

# Dingtalk preferences
  enable: false
  # Dingtalks tokens to send message
    - cbd71be588ejldjaf232311b2551ad6dae09b47549aef7e2dd513d906d64c77a
    - 736df1d522fee3f7cc29d0joalfja11sll4df9351589be32d7dfabca7637677d
  # Option send filter log
  send_filter_log: true

# Filter info, use to fileter log
  prefix: "["

# Fir info
  enable: true
  # custom fir path
  path: '/usr/local/bin/fir'
  token: 7lkjljlkaaab0ed4322a685c1d61f

# Copy ipa to path
  enable: true
  # Path to copy, absolute path
  path: 'path to copy'

# Bugly info
  enable: true
  # Jar file location, absolute path
  jar_file: 'file path of bugly Jar file'

# Mail login info, must suppport ssl login
  server: smtp.example.com
  user: admin@example.com
  password: password

# Mail preferences
  enable: true
  # Option send filter log
  send_filter_log: true
  # Mail receiver
    - send_to@example.com
  # Mail cc to
    - cc_to@example.com

# Mail preferences when build failure
  enable: false
  # Mail receiver
    - send_to@example.com
    - cc_to@example.com

# Build info, dictionary
    info_plist: Example/Info.plist
    bugly_key: cac0689a-lkkk-11212-a120-4e0118f8d462
    bugly_id: i1400012222
    download_url: https://fir.im/abcd
    app_name: Example
    team_id: JLKJJ3333
    export_mothod: development
    scheme: Example
    bundle_id: com.example
    provisioning_profile: 'iOS Development Dev'
    # Extra provisioning profile, use for project have extentions
      - bundle_id: com.example.extention
        provisioning_profile: 'iOS Development Dev Extention'
      enable: true
      provisioning_profile: '/Users/xxx/Documents/xxx.mobileprovision'
      certificate: 'iPhone Distribution xxx Net Co., Ltd.'
      # Change app display nama
      # Change bundle id, if not config, use provisioning profile's instead
        # Extentsion's scheme
        - scheme: xxx
          provisioning_profile: '/Users/xxx/Documents/xxx.mobileprovision'
    # Identifier use to detect a build, must unique among all build info
    build_identifier: BUILDIPA_DEV
    info_plist: Example/Info.plist
    bugly_key: jlkjlkjaa-7c5c-41e3-b54f-8dabd4c4da2b
    bugly_id: i1400111110
    download_url: https://fir.im/efgh
    app_name: Example-PROD
    team_id: JLKJLFDS11
    export_mothod: ad-hoc
    scheme: Example_PROD
    bundle_id: com.example.prod
    provisioning_profile: 'iOS Distribution Prod'
    # Identifier use to detect a build, must unique among all build info
    build_identifier: BUILDIPA_PROD


It's recomment use auto mode with launchctl, there has two benifit

  1. launchctl environment can aceess login keychain, THIS IS A HUGE BENIFIT, you can save many time deal the cetificate issue.
  2. launchctl run one instance at a time, you do not need warry about to many install run at same time.

There has a launchctl example plist file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="1.0">
        <true />

Move it to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ and run this command:

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cielpy.build_ipa.plist

Python script will run every 60 second, you change the parameters as you like.

After these config, you can commit with message BUILDIPA(set in build info), launchctl will run script automatically to build IPA and upload to third party platform.